14:00 |
MO 6.1 |
Determination of excited state dipole moments in solution via thermochromic methods - an overview — •Mirko Lindic, Matthias Zajonz, and Michael Schmitt
14:15 |
MO 6.2 |
Determination of dipole moments in the electronically excited state of different constitutional isomers of cyanoindole via thermochromic methods — •Matthias Zajonz, Mirko Lindic, and Michael Schmitt
14:30 |
MO 6.3 |
Photoelectron spectroscopy of Boron containing reactive intermediates using synchrotron radiation and photoelectron/photoion coincidence (i2PEPICO) spectroscopy — •Deb Pratim Mukhopadhyay, Domenik Schleier, Ingo Fischer, Jean-Christophe Loison, Christian Alcaraz, and Gustavo Garcia
14:45 |
MO 6.4 |
Ultrafast non-local decay of core vacancies: from noble gas clusters to the suppression of radiation damage — •Andreas Hans, Catmarna Küstner-Wetekam, Philipp Schmidt, Sascha Deinert, Florian Trinter, Gregor Hartmann, Arno Ehresmann, Lorenz Cederbaum, Nikolai Kryzhevoi, and André Knie
15:00 |
MO 6.5 |
Investigation of the fragmentation of Isocyanic acid HNCO after inner-shell excitation by soft x-ray radiation — •Marius Gerlach, Fabian Holzmeier, Markus Gühr, John Bozek, Christophe Nicolas, Engelbert Reusch, Lilith Wohlfart, Dennis Mayer, Karina Kopp, and Ingo Fischer
15:15 |
MO 6.6 |
Studying the dynamics and decay channels of C4O− in the electrostatic Cryogenic Storage Ring — •V.C. Schmidt, K. Blaum, P. Fischer, S. George, M. Grieser, F. Grussie, J. Göck, R. von Hahn, Á. Kálosi, H. Kreckel, P.M. Mishra, D. Müll, O. Novotný, F. Nuesslein, D. Paul, S. Saurabh, C. Schumacher, L. Schweikhard, P. Wilhelm, and A. Wolf
15:30 |
MO 6.7 |
Structural Properties of Small Silicon Oxide Cations — •Kai Pollow, Karim Saroukh, Robert Radloff, Lars Dahllöf, Marko Förstel, and Otto Dopfer
15:45 |
MO 6.8 |
Probing the Valence Electronic Structure of Aqueous Diazines Using Resonant X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy — •Md Sabbir Ahsan and Iain Wilkinson
16:00 |
MO 6.9 |
Time-resolved soft x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy on 2-thiouracil at FLASH2 — •Dennis Mayer, Jan Metje, Fabiano Lever, Axel Heuer, Mario Niebuhr, Matthew S. Robinson, Skirmantas Alisauskas, Francesca Calegari, Stefan Duesterer, Bastian Manschwetus, Andrea Trabattoni, Tommaso Mazza, Raimund Feifel, Richard Squibb, Måns Wallner, Thomas J. A. Wolf, and Markus Gühr
16:15 |
MO 6.10 |
Development of a software-based lock-in amplifier for nonlinear spectroscopy — •Daniel Uhl, Ulrich Bangert, Marcel Binz, Lukas Bruder, Friedemann Landmesser, Andreas Wituschek, and Frank Stienkemeier