Hannover 2020 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
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MS 12: Accelerator Mass Spectrometry and Applications III
Donnerstag, 12. März 2020, 14:00–15:00, f128
14:00 |
MS 12.1 |
The contribution has been withdrawn.
14:15 |
MS 12.2 |
The difficulty to measure the neutron capture cross section of 235U at thermal energies — Anton Wallner, Peter Schillebeeckx, Stefaan Pomme, Jan Wagemans, Jan Heyse, Roberto Capote, Michaela Froehlich, Peter Steier, Zsolt Revay, Christian Stieghorst, Ulli Koester, Thorsten Soldner, and •Tobias Jenke
14:30 |
MS 12.3 |
Towards the redetermination of the halflife of 32Si - Equilibrium charge distributions of 28Si in Ar — •Matthias Schlomberg, Christof Vockenhuber, and Hans-Arno Synal
14:45 |
MS 12.4 |
Supernova-produced 53Mn on Earth — •Gunther Korschinek, Thomas Faestermann, Mikhail Poutivtsev, Andres Arazi, Klaus Knie, Georg Rugel, and Anton Wallner