Hannover 2020 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
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MS 8: Accelerator Mass Spectrometry and Applications I
Mittwoch, 11. März 2020, 14:30–16:00, f128
14:30 |
MS 8.1 |
The new compact, multi isotope AMS system (MILEA) at ETH Zurich - performance and applications — •Marcus Christl, Sascha Maxeiner, Arnold Milenko Müller, Philip Gautschi, Christof Vockenhuber, Maxi Castrillejo, Nuria Casacuberta, and Hans-Arno Synal
15:00 |
MS 8.2 |
Increased ionization efficiency for the detection of 236U and 233U by AMS — •Michael Kern, Karin Hain, Maki Honda, Peter Steier, Andreas Wiederin, and Robin Golser
15:15 |
MS 8.3 |
Highly sensitive 26Al measurements assisted by ILIAMS — •Johannes Lachner, Michael Kern, Oscar Marchhart, Martin Martschini, Alfred Priller, Peter Steier, Anton Wallner, Alexander Wieser, and Robin Golser
15:30 |
MS 8.4 |
Application of AMS to the research on nuclear waste disposal safety — •Francesca Quinto, Ingo Blechschmidt, Thomas Faestermann, Karin Hain, Dominik Koll, Gunther Korschinek, Stephanie Kraft, Johanna Pitters, Markus Plaschke, Georg Rugel, Thorsten Schäfer, Peter Steier, and Horst Geckeis
15:45 |
MS 8.5 |
Ultra-trace Detection of 99Tc in Environmental Samples by Accelerator Mass Spectrometry — •Johanna Pitters, Thomas Faestermann, Fadime Gülce, Karin Hain, Dominik Koll, Gunther Korschinek, Martin Martschini, Francesca Quinto, Georg Rugel, and Robin Golser