So, 16:00–18:00 |
a310 |
P 1: Tutorial Plasma Physics (joint session AKjDPG/P) |
Mo, 11:00–12:30 |
b305 |
P 2: Atmospheric-pressure plasma and applications 1 |
Mo, 14:00–15:30 |
b302 |
P 3: Low-temperature plasma and applications 1 |
Mo, 14:00–16:00 |
b305 |
P 4: Helmholtz Graduate School 1 and Magnetic confinement 1 |
Mo, 16:30–18:30 |
Empore Lichthof |
P 5: Poster Session 1 |
Di, 11:00–12:55 |
b302 |
P 6: Plasma-surface interaction |
Di, 11:00–13:00 |
b305 |
P 7: Atmospheric-pressure plasma and applications 2 |
Di, 14:00–15:25 |
b302 |
P 8: Low-temperature plasma and applications |
Di, 14:00–16:10 |
b305 |
P 9: Helmholtz Graduate School 2 and Magnetic confinement 2 |
Di, 16:30–18:30 |
Empore Lichthof |
P 10: Poster Session 2 |
Mi, 11:00–13:00 |
b302 |
P 11: Laser plasma and laser applications 1 |
Mi, 11:00–12:45 |
b305 |
P 12: Atmospheric-pressure plasma and applications 3 |
Mi, 13:10–13:55 |
f303 |
P 13: Lunch talk: German Research Foundation (DFG) (joint session A/K/MO/MS/P/Q) |
Mi, 14:00–15:55 |
b302 |
P 14: Codes and modelling |
Mi, 14:00–16:05 |
b305 |
P 15: Helmholtz Graduate School 3 and Magnetic confinement 3 |
Mi, 16:30–18:30 |
Empore Lichthof |
P 16: Poster Session 3 |
Mi, 18:30–20:00 |
b305 |
P 17: Mitgliederversammlung |
Do, 11:00–13:10 |
b302 |
P 18: Complex plasma and Low-temperature plasma and applications 2 |
Do, 11:00–13:10 |
b305 |
P 19: Helmholtz Graduate School 4 and Magnetic confinement 4 |
Do, 14:00–16:00 |
b302 |
P 20: Laser plasma and laser applications 2 |
Do, 14:00–16:00 |
b305 |
P 21: Helmholtz Graduate School 5 |