Hannover 2020 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
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P 12: Atmospheric-pressure plasma and applications 3
Mittwoch, 11. März 2020, 11:00–12:45, b305
11:00 |
P 12.1 |
Surface modification with atmospheric-pressure plasmas - applications and challenges — •Claus-Peter Klages, Lars Bröcker, Andreas Czerny, Stefan Kotula, Meret Leonie Lehner, Andris Martinovs, and Vitaly Raev
11:30 |
P 12.2 |
Experimental Investigation of a Plasma Electrolytic Polishing Process for the Pretreatment of Cemented Carbide — •Sehoon An, Rüdiger Foest, Katja Fricke, Luka Hansen, Thorben Kewitz, Hendrik Riemer, Maik Fröhlich, Holger Kersten, and Klaus-Dieter Weltmann
11:45 |
P 12.3 |
Electric field behaviour of a micro cavity plasma array measured by Stark shift of helium — •Sebastian Dzikowski, Sylvain Iseni, Marc Böke, and Volker Schulz-von der Gathen
12:00 |
P 12.4 |
The spatial distribution of HO2 in a cold atmospheric pressure plasma jet investigated by cw cavity ring-down spectroscopy — •S.-J. Klose, M. Gianella, K. Manfred, H. Norman, G. A. D. Ritchie, and J. H. van Helden
12:15 |
P 12.5 |
Loss processes of plasma-generated atomic oxygen in phenol solutions — •Kerstin Sgonina, Giuliana Bruno, Kristian Wende, and Jan Benedikt
12:30 |
P 12.6 |
Plasma Medical Investigations for Disinfection of Different Surfaces and Their Modifications Caused by Cold Atmospheric Plasma Treatment — •Sandra Moritz, Alisa Schmidt, Joachim Sann, and Markus Thoma