Hannover 2020 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
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P 20: Laser plasma and laser applications 2
Donnerstag, 12. März 2020, 14:00–16:00, b302
14:00 |
P 20.1 |
The interaction of lasers with material using pulse durations from fs to ns — •Georg Pretzler, Steffen Mittelmann, Jannis Oelmann, Julian Wegner, and Sebastijan Brezinsek
14:30 |
P 20.2 |
Comparison of Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS) Results on Deuterium Loaded High Z Materials from Lasers of Different Pulse Durations — •Steffen Mittelmann, Jannis Oelmann, Dongye Zhao, Ding Wu, Arkadi Kreter, Sebastijan Brezinsek, Hongbin Ding, and Georg Pretzler
14:45 |
P 20.3 |
Characterisation of plasma-facing surfaces by double-pulse LIBS with picosecond pulses — •Erik Wüst, Jannis Oelmann, Sebastijan Brezinsek, Christian Linsmeier, and Claus Schneider
15:00 |
P 20.4 |
Two-dimensional simulations of a water-confined ns-laser shock peening — •Vasily Pozdnyakov and Jens Oberrath
15:15 |
P 20.5 |
Efficiency of bi-circular High Harmonic Generation with a kHz Laser — •Zahra Chitgar, Roman Adam, and Paul Gibbon
15:30 |
P 20.6 |
Ultrafast Polarization of an Electron Beam in Intense Bi-chromatic Laser Pulses — •Daniel Seipt, Dario Del Sorbo, Christopher P. Ridgers, and Alec G. R. Thomas
15:45 |
P 20.7 |
X-ray assisted nuclear excitation by electron capture in plasmas generated by optical lasers — •Yuanbin Wu, Christoph H. Keitel, and Adriana Pálffy