16:30 |
P 5.1 |
Statistical analysis of confinement data from pellet fuelled high-density plasmas in ASDEX Upgrade — •Tobias Engelhardt, Otto Kardaun, Peter Lang, Martin Prechtl, and Asdex Upgrade Team
16:30 |
P 5.2 |
Comparison of Spatiotemporal Turbulent Structures Measured with Doppler Reflectometry in the Tokamak ASDEX Upgrade with Gyrokinetic Simulations — •David Stockinger, Klara Höfler, Tim Happel, Tobias Görler, Ulrich Stroth, and the ASDEX Upgrade Team
16:30 |
P 5.3 |
Improving Tokamak pedestal prediction — •Jonas Puchmayr, Mike Dunne, and Hartmut Zohm
16:30 |
P 5.4 |
Pedestal turbulence studies with means of O-mode correlation reflectometry on EAST — •Haoming Xiang, Tao Zhang, Xiang Gao, Fei Wen, Yumin Wang, Xiang Han, Jianbin Liu, Andreas Krämer-Flecken, and Yunfeng Liang
16:30 |
P 5.5 |
Disentanglement of density and rotation dependences of the field penetration threshold on the J-TEXT tokamak — •Zhuo Huang, Yunfeng Liang, Qiming Hu, Nengchao Wang, Da Li, Xiaoyi Zhang, Bo Rao, Zhipeng Chen, Song Zhou, Qi Zhang, Chengshuo Shen, Ying He, and Yonghua Ding
16:30 |
P 5.6 |
Local radiated power sensitivity and intrinsic impurity correlation analysis at the stellarator Wendelstein 7-X — •Philipp Hacker, Felix Reimold, Daihong Zhang, Rainer Burhenn, and Thomas Klinger
16:30 |
P 5.7 |
Manipulating the radial deposition of positrons in a magnetic dipole trap — •Stefan Nißl, Eve V. Stenson, Juliane Horn-Stanja, Uwe Hergenhahn, Thomas Sunn Pedersen, Haruhiko Saitoh, Christoph Hugenschmidt, Markus Singer, Matthew R. Stoneking, and James R. Danielson
16:30 |
P 5.8 |
Positron accumulation in Multicell Penning traps — •Martin Singer, Stephan König, Lutz Schweikhard, Gerrit Marx, Cliff Surko, James Danielson, and Thomas Sunn Pedersen
16:30 |
P 5.9 |
Investigation of disruptions at JET using interpretable machine learning methods. — •Victor Artigues and Frank Jenko
16:30 |
P 5.10 |
Integrated Data Analysis 2.0 — •Michael Bergmann, Frank Jenko, Rainer Fischer, and the ASDEX Upgrade Team
16:30 |
P 5.11 |
Runaway electron modeling in massive material injection scenarios in ASDEX Upgrade — •Oliver Linder, Emiliano Fable, Frank Jenko, Gergely Papp, Gabriella Pautasso, and the ASDEX Upgrade Team
16:30 |
P 5.12 |
Fast neural network surrogates for VMEC MHD equilibrium code — •Andrea Merlo, Daniel Böckenhoff, Thomas Sunn Pedersen, and The W7-X Team
16:30 |
P 5.13 |
Soft X-ray survey of high-performance experiments in Wendelstein 7-X — •Jonathan Schilling, Henning Thomsen, Christian Brandt, Sehyun Kwak, Jakob Svensson, and the W7-X - Team
16:30 |
P 5.14 |
Low frequency fluctuations measured by soft X-ray and Mirnov diagnostic at the Wendelstein 7-X stellarator — •Sara Mendes, Christian Brandt, Kian Rahbarnia, Jonathan Schilling, Henning Thomsen, and Wendelstein 7-X Team
16:30 |
P 5.15 |
Core plasma density fluctuations in Wendelstein 7-X — •Jan-Peter Bähner, Adrian von Stechow, Zhouji Huang, Jorge Alcuson, Eric Edlund, Miklos Porkolab, Olaf Grulke, and The W7-X Team
16:30 |
P 5.16 |
Preparation of Triton Burn-Up Studies in Future Deuterium Plasmas of Wendelstein 7-X — •Jan Paul Koschinsky, Christoph Biedermann, Sergey A. Bozhenkov, Monika Koleva, G. A. Wurden, Andreas Zimbal, Robert C. Wolf, the W7-X Team, and the ASDEX Upgrade Team
16:30 |
P 5.17 |
Gyrokinetic investigation of the damping channels of Alfvén modes in ASDEX Upgrade — •Francesco Vannini, Alessandro Biancalani, Alberto Bottino, Thomas Hayward-Schneider, Philipp Lauber, Alexey Mishchenko, Ivan Novikau, Emanuele Poli, and ASDEX Upgrade Team
16:30 |
P 5.18 |
Fast-ion confinement studies in W7-X using active Balmer-alpha spectroscopy — •Peter Zs. Poloskei, Benedikt Geiger, Oliver Ford, Simppa Äkaslompolo, Annabelle Spanier, and the W7-X team
16:30 |
P 5.19 |
Infrared study of CH4 conversion in a non-equilibrium O2/He atmospheric pressure plasma jet — •Theresa Urbanietz, Christoph Stewig, Marc Böke, and Achim von Keudell
16:30 |
P 5.20 |
Atmospheric Pressure Plasma for Nano Particle Generation — •Jessica Ruhnke, Sadegh Askari, Judith Golda, and Jan Benedikt
16:30 |
P 5.21 |
Spatially resolved atomic oxygen densities in the ’COST Reference Microplasma Jet’ — •David Steuer, Patrick Preissing, Volker Schulz-von der Gathen, and Marc Böke
16:30 |
P 5.22 |
Study of a 2.45 GHz plasma torch for synthesis of fused silica: operation with different Ar−O2 mixtures — •M. Stankov, T. Trautvetter, H. Baierl, R. Methling, F. Hempel, J. Schäfer, M. Baeva, R. Foest, and D. Loffhagen
16:30 |
P 5.23 |
Study of the local segregation of multi-component powders during a plasma spray process — •Thorben Kewitz, Holger Testrich, Antje Quade, Katja Fricke, Maik Fröhlich, Rüdiger Foest, and Klaus-Dieter Weltmann
16:30 |
P 5.24 |
Preliminary investigation of the island divertor configuration by applying 4/1 RMP on the J-TEXT tokamak — •song zhou, yunfeng liang, nengchao wang, bo rao, yonghua ding, and the j-text team
16:30 |
P 5.25 |
LEIS Investigation of Cr Segregation in WCrY — •Hans Rudolf Koslowski, Janina Schmitz, and Christian Linsmeier
16:30 |
P 5.26 |
Phase forming in the Be-Ti system — •Nicola Helfer, Jens Bröder, Nabi Aghdassi, Hans Rudolf Koslowski, Daniel Wortmann, Stefan Blügel, and Christian Linsmeier
16:30 |
P 5.27 |
Production and characterisation of tungsten fiber-reinfoced tungsten (Wf/W) — •Daniel Schwalenberg, Jan W. Coenen, Johann Riesch, Leonard Raumann, Yiran Mao, Alexis Terra, Till Höschen, Rudolf Neu, and Christian Linsmeier
16:30 |
P 5.28 |
The effect of Magnetic Geometry on Turbulence in Advanced Divertor Configurations — •Thomas Body, Wladimir Zholobenko, Andreas Stegmeir, David Coster, and Frank Jenko
16:30 |
P 5.29 |
Viability of NN-based Predictor-Corrector Schemes for Plasma Simulations — •Robin Greif, Frank Jenko, and Nils Thuerey
16:30 |
P 5.30 |
Hybrid kinetic-MHD simulations using structure-preserving numerical methods — •Florian Holderied, Stefan Possanner, Ahmed Ratnani, and Xin Wang
16:30 |
P 5.31 |
Progress towards Gyrokinetic Turbulence in the SOL with GENE-X — •Dominik Michels, Denis Jarema, Andreas Stegmeir, and Frank Jenko
16:30 |
P 5.32 |
Towards systems code studies for a general class of stellarators — •Jorrit Lion and Felix Warmer
16:30 |
P 5.33 |
Research of the plasma parameters based on CHF3/H2 for etching silicon and glass — •Alena Okhorzina and Norbert Bernhard
16:30 |
P 5.34 |
Minimal invasive extraction and ex situ analysis of nanoparticles synthesized in a reactive plasma — •Maren Dworschak, Franko Greiner, and Oguz Han Asnaz
16:30 |
P 5.35 |
TDLAS analysis of the magnetic field strength by Zeeman splitting and gas temperature by Doppler broadening in the linear plasma device PSI-2 — •Marc Sackers, Oleksandr Marchuk, Sven Dickheuer, Stephan Ertmer, and Arkadi Kreter
16:30 |
P 5.36 |
A new longitudinal 1D extinction setup for density mea- surements of nanodusty clouds in low-pressure plasmas — •Alexander Schmitz, Andreas Petersen, Nils Rehbehn, Sebastian Groth, and Franko Greiner
16:30 |
P 5.37 |
On the influence of plasma parameters on particle size — •Sören Wohlfahrt, Niklas Kohlmann, Frank Wieben, Oguz Han Asnaz, Franko Greiner, and Dietmar Block
16:30 |
P 5.38 |
Numerical investigations of wave propagation in binary complex plasmas — •Lasse Bruhn, Frank Wieben, and Dietmar Block