Hannover 2020 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
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P 6: Plasma-surface interaction
Dienstag, 10. März 2020, 11:00–12:55, b302
11:00 |
P 6.1 |
Predictive modelling of beryllium erosion, transport and deposition during H, He and DT plasmas in ITER — •Juri Romazanov, Sebastijan Brezinsek, Andreas Kirschner, Dmitriy Borodin, Alina Eksaeva, Richard A. Pitts, Vladislav S. Neverov, and Christian Linsmeier
11:30 |
P 6.2 |
The impact of surface morphology on the erosion of metallic surfaces -modelling with the 3D Monte-Carlo code ERO2.0 — •Alina Eksaeva, Dmitry Borodin, Juri Romazanov, Andreas Kirschner, Arkadi Kreter, Beatrix Göths, Marcin Rasinski, Bernhard Unterberg, Sebastijan Brezinsek, Christian Linsmeier, Espedito Vassallo, Matteo Passoni, David Dellasega, Michele Sala, and Federica Romeo
11:55 |
P 6.3 |
Determination of the energy distribution of sputtered atoms from polished metallic surfaces by high resolution spectroscopy — •Stephan Ertmer, Oleksandr Marchuk, Sven Dickheuer, Sebastijan Brezinsek, Philippe Mertens, Marcin Rasiński, and Arkadi Kreter
12:10 |
P 6.4 |
Ion-induced secondary electron emission coefficient of clean and dirty metal surfaces analysed in an ion beam experiment — •Rahel Buschhaus, Maik Budde, and Achim von Keudell
12:25 |
P 6.5 |
Interaction of low-energy electrons with metallic walls — •Franz Xaver Bronold and Holger Fehske
12:40 |
P 6.6 |
Deuterium Retention and Surface Modification of Tungsten Alloys produced by Powder Injection Moulding after Deuterium Plasma Exposure — •Robert Krug, Sören Möller, Steffen Antusch, Marcin Rasinsky, Arkadi Kreter, Marius Wirtz, and Bernhard Unterberg