Hannover 2020 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
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P 7: Atmospheric-pressure plasma and applications 2
Dienstag, 10. März 2020, 11:00–13:00, b305
11:00 |
P 7.1 |
Simulation of microarcs: challenges and perspectives — •Margarita Baeva, Detlef Loffhagen, Markus M. Becker, Erwan Siewert, and Dirk Uhrlandt
11:30 |
P 7.2 |
Vacuum ultraviolet spectroscopy of cold atmospheric pressure plasma jets — •Judith Golda, Beatrix Biskup, Vincent Layes, Tristan Winzer, and Jan Benedikt
11:45 |
P 7.3 |
Verification of electric discharge modeling code developed in FEniCS — •Aleksandar P. Jovanovic, Detlef Loffhagen, and Markus M. Becker
12:00 |
P 7.4 |
Atmospheric pressure RF plasma jets driven by tailored voltage waveforms in He/N2 mixtures — •Ihor Korolov, Marc Leimkühler, Mark Böke, Zoltán Donkó, Volker Schulz-von der Gathen, Lena Bischoff, Gerrit Hübner, Péter Hartmann, Timo Gans, Yue Liu, Thomas Mussenbrock, and Julian Schulze
12:15 |
P 7.5 |
Laser-induced fluorescence of magnetized plasma with magnetic sub-level resolution — •Roman Bergert, Slobodan Mitic, and Markus H. Thoma
12:30 |
P 7.6 |
Ro-vibrational distribution measurements in transient atmospheric pressure plasmas by coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering — •Jan Kuhfeld, Dirk Luggenhölscher, and Uwe Czarnetzki
12:45 |
P 7.7 |
Gliding arc plasmatron- plasma chemical reactor for methane conversion — Simon Böddeker, •Nikita Bibinov, and Peter Awakowicz