Hannover 2020 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
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P 9: Helmholtz Graduate School 2 and Magnetic confinement 2
Dienstag, 10. März 2020, 14:00–16:10, b305
14:00 |
P 9.1 |
The Wendelstein 7-X Scrape-Off Layer — •Carsten Killer and W7-X Team
14:30 |
P 9.2 |
SOLPS simulations for alternative divertor configurations in the future upper divertor in ASDEX Upgrade — •Ou Pan, Tilmann Lunt, Marco Wischmeier, David Coster, Ulrich Stroth, and The ASDEX Upgrade Team
14:55 |
P 9.3 |
Scrape-off layer (SOL) power width scaling and correlation between SOL and pedestal gradients across L, I and H-mode plasmas at ASDEX Upgrade — •Davide Silvagni, Thomas Eich, Michael Faitsch, Tim Happel, Bernhard Sieglin, Pierre David, Luis Gil, Ulrich Stroth, and the ASDEX Upgrade team
15:20 |
P 9.4 |
Quantitative investigation of the neutron production in ASDEX Upgrade — •Monika Koleva, Giovanni Tardini, Hartmut Zohm, and The ASDEX Upgrade Team
15:45 |
P 9.5 |
Assessment of plasma edge transport in Neon seeded plasmas in disconnected double null configuration in EAST — •Dieter Boeyaert, Sven Wiesen, Marco Wischmeier, Wouter Dekeyser, Stefano Carli, Liang Wang, Fang Ding, Kedong Li, Yunfeng Liang, Martine Baelmans, and EAST -team