Hannover 2020 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
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Q 11: Quantum Optics I
Montag, 9. März 2020, 14:00–16:00, f342
14:00 |
Q 11.1 |
Super-resolution imaging of a single atom: the role of orbital angular momentum — •Martin Drechsler, Sebastian Wolf, Elias Alstead, Ferdinand Schmidt-Kaler, and Christian Schmiegelow
14:15 |
Q 11.2 |
Spectral properties of single photons from a single 40Ca+ ion — Matthias Kreis, •Omar Elshehy, and Jürgen Eschner
14:30 |
Q 11.3 |
Coherent and incoherent many-particle interference tests of Born’s rule — •Marc-Oliver Pleinert, Eric Lutz, and Joachim von Zanthier
14:45 |
Q 11.4 |
Spatial entanglement and state engineering via four-photon Hong-Ou-Mandel interference — •Alessandro Ferreri, Vahid Ansari, Christine Silberhorn, and Polina Sharapova
15:00 |
Q 11.5 |
Witnessing non-classicality through large deviations in quantum optics — •Dario Cilluffo, Giuseppe Buonaiuto, Salvatore Lorenzo, Gioacchino Massimo Palma, Francesco Ciccarello, Federico Carollo, and Igor Lesanovsky
15:15 |
Q 11.6 |
Using a genuine local oscillator for direct sampling of the Wigner function — •Johannes Tiedau, Christof Eigner, Victor Quiring, Laura Padberg, Raimund Ricken, Benjamin Brecht, Tim J. Bartley, and Christine Silberhorn
15:30 |
Q 11.7 |
Spectral properties of the cavity-enhanced spontaneous parametric down-conversion below the cavity threshold — •Golnoush Shafiee, Dmitry V. Strekalov, Alexander Otterpohl, Florian Sedlmeir, Gerhard Schunk, Ulrich Vogl, Harald G.L. Schwefel, Gerd Leuchs, and Christoph Marquardt
15:45 |
Q 11.8 |
Signatures of photon-photon scattering in Hermite-Gaussian beams — •Ricardo R.Q.P.T. Oude Weernink and Felix Karbstein