Hannover 2020 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
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Q 12: Quantum Effects
Montag, 9. März 2020, 14:00–16:00, f442
14:00 |
Q 12.1 |
Exploring complex graphs using 3D quantum walks of correlated photon pairs — •Max Ehrhardt, Robert Keil, Lukas Maczewsky, Matthias Heinrich, and Alexander Szameit
14:15 |
Q 12.2 |
Partial distinguishability in systems of identical particles — •Gabriel Dufour, Eric Brunner, Christoph Dittel, and Andreas Buchleitner
14:30 |
Q 12.3 |
Are photons really bosons? — •Chris Müller, Konrad Tschernig, Malte Smoor, Tim Kroh, Armando Perez-Leija, Kurt Busch, and Oliver Benson
14:45 |
Q 12.4 |
Extracting particle distinguishability from imperfect suppressions in many-particle interference — •Michael Minke, Christoph Dittel, and Andreas Buchleitner
15:00 |
Q 12.5 |
Quantum light: wave or particle? — •Syamsundar De, Jan Sperling, Thomas Nitsche, Johannes Tiedau, Sonja Barkhofen, Benjamin Brecht, and Christine Silberhorn
15:15 |
Q 12.6 |
Biphoton interference of terahertz and visible light — •Mirco Kutas, Björn Haase, Patricia Bickert, Felix Riexinger, Daniel Molter, and Georg von Freymann
15:30 |
Q 12.7 |
Nonlinear terahertz interferometry with visible photons — •Björn Haase, Mirco Kutas, Felix Riexinger, Patricia Bickert, Daniel Molter, and Georg von Freymann
15:45 |
Q 12.8 |
A Compact Laser System for Quantum Gas Experiments in BECCAL on the ISS — •Victoria Henderson, Ahmad Bawamia, Jean-Pierre Marburger, André Wenzlawski, Andreas Wicht, Patrick Windpassinger, Markus Krutzik, Achim Peters, and The BECCAL Team