16:30 |
Q 13.1 |
Orbital interaction in the second band of a bipartite optical lattice — •José Vargas, Carl Hippler, and Andreas Hemmerich
16:30 |
Q 13.2 |
A versatile quantum gas machine for the study of dynamics far from equilibrium — •Maurus Hans, Celia Viermann, Marius Sparn, Helmut Strobel, and Markus K. Oberthaler
16:30 |
Q 13.3 |
Weakly interacting Bose-Einstein condensates as quantum baths: (Pre)thermalization and nonequilibrium steady states — •Alexander Schnell and André Eckardt
16:30 |
Q 13.4 |
Spinor BEC coupled to an optical cavity: from the Dicke model to spin textures and dissipation induced instabilities — •Nishant Dogra, Manuele Landini, Katrin Kroeger, Lorenz Hruby, Francesco Ferri, Rodrigo Rosa-Medina, Fabian Finger, Tobias Donner, and Tilman Esslinger
16:30 |
Q 13.5 |
A New Caesium Quantum Gas Microscope — •Hendrik von Raven, Till Klostermann, Jingjing Chen, Christian Schweizer, Cesar Cabrera, Immanuel Bloch, and Monika Aidelsburger
16:30 |
Q 13.6 |
Universal Dynamics in Bose Gases Far from Equilibrium — •Paul Große-Bley, Philipp Heinen, Christian-Marcel Schmied, and Thomas Gasenzer
16:30 |
Q 13.7 |
A two-dimensional box trap for bosons with tuneable interactions — •Julian Schmitt, Panagiotis Christodoulou, Maciej Galka, Nishant Dogra, Jay Man, and Zoran Hadzibabic
16:30 |
Q 13.8 |
Dynamical variational approach to Bose polarons at finite temperatures — •David Dzsotjan, Richard Schmidt, and Michael Fleischhauer
16:30 |
Q 13.9 |
Quantum State Tomography of Ultracold Atoms in Optical Superlattices via Machine Learning — •Guo-Xian Su, Zhen-Sheng Yuan, and Jian-Wei Pan
16:30 |
Q 13.10 |
Probing entanglement in many-body systems — •Julian Léonard, Robert Schittko, Sooshin Kim, Joyce Kwan, and Markus Greiner
16:30 |
Q 13.11 |
Critical properties of the extended Bose-Hubbard model with global interactions — Shraddha Sharma, •Rebecca Kraus, Simon B. Jager, Tommaso Roscilde, and Giovanna Morigi
16:30 |
Q 13.12 |
Light-matter interactions in cold dysprosium atoms — •Marcel Trümper, Niels Petersen, and Patrick Windpassinger
16:30 |
Q 13.13 |
Quantifying Entanglement in Bose-Einstein-Condensates using Entropic Uncertainty Relations — •Bjarne Bergh and Martin Gärttner
16:30 |
Q 13.14 |
Partial Distinguishability and Coherence in Many-Body Systems — •Eric Brunner, Christoph Dittel, Gabriel Dufour, and Andreas Buchleitner
16:30 |
Q 13.15 |
Detecting Bell correlations in a Bose-Einstein condensate — •Adrian Braemer and Martin Gärttner
16:30 |
Q 13.16 |
Dynamics of entanglement creation between two spins coupled to a chain — •Christian Otto, Pierre Wendenbaum, Bruno G. Taketani, Endre Kajari, Giovanna Morigi, and Dragi Karevski
16:30 |
Q 13.17 |
Optical Dipole Trap as a Source of Ultracold Atoms in Microgravity — •Marian Woltmann, Christian Vogt, Sven Herrmann, Claus Lämmerzahl, and The PRIMUS-Team
16:30 |
Q 13.18 |
A high-flux source of rubidium Bose-Einstein condensates for atom interferometry — •Dorothee Tell, Christian Meiners, Henning Albers, Dennis Schlippert, and Ernst M. Rasel
16:30 |
Q 13.19 |
Performance of a CMOS based atom chip — Felix Wenzl, David Werban, Philipp Neumann, Alexander Nemecek, Thomas Fernholz, Mark Fromhold, and •Christian Koller
16:30 |
Q 13.20 |
Controlling multipole moments of a magnetic chip trap — •Tobias Liebmann and Reinhold Walser
16:30 |
Q 13.21 |
Improved Laser System for Optical Trapping of Neutral Mercury — •Rudolf Homm, Daniel Preißler, and Thomas Walther
16:30 |
Q 13.22 |
Elementary laser-less quantum logic operations with antiprotons in Penning traps — •Diana Nitzschke, Marius Schulte, Malte Niemann, Juan Cornejo, Ralf Lehnert, Christian Ospelkaus, and Klemens Hammerer
16:30 |
Q 13.23 |
Semiclassical Laser Cooling in a Strongly Focussed Laser Field — •Maximilian Schumacher, Thorsten Haase, and Gernot Alber
16:30 |
Q 13.24 |
Highly dynamical microwave source with low phase noise for cold atom experiments — •Bernd Meyer, Alexander Idel, Fabian Anders, and Carsten Klempt
16:30 |
Q 13.25 |
A high-flux Yb source for atom interferometry using a core-shell MOT — •Robert J. Rengelink, Etienne Wodey, Dennis Schlippert, and Ernst M. Rasel
16:30 |
Q 13.26 |
Influence of silicon dioxide layer on losses and switching behaviour of electro-optical modulators in LiNbO3 — •Silia Babel, Felix vom Bruch, Christof Eigner, and Christine Silberhorn
16:30 |
Q 13.27 |
Self-Induced Transparency in Room-Temperature Dense Rydberg Gases — •Zhengyang Bai, Weibin Li, and Guoxiang Huang
16:30 |
Q 13.28 |
Simulating storage of quantum dot photons in an atom-cavity system — •Maximilian Ammenwerth, Lukas Ahlheit, Wolfgang Alt, Tobias Macha, Pooja Malik, Deepak Pandey, Hannes Pfeifer, Eduardo Uruñuela, and Dieter Meschede
16:30 |
Q 13.29 |
Designing high precision electronics for an atom interferometer on the ISS — •Alexandros Papakonstantinou, Thijs Wendrich, Wolfgang Bartosch, Christian Schubert, Ernst M. Rasel, Wolfgang Ertmer, and the BECCAL Team
16:30 |
Q 13.30 |
Compact, miniaturized and robust electronics for the operation of a dual species atom interferometer on a sounding rocket — •Wolfgang Bartosch, Thijs Wendrich, Alexandros Papakonstantinou, Matthias Koch, Maike Lachmann, Baptist Piest, Wolfgang Ertmer, Ernst Maria Rasel, and the MAIUS-Team
16:30 |
Q 13.31 |
Waveguide integrated superconducting nanowire single-photon detectors made from NbTiN thin films — •Martin A. Wolff, Simon Vogel, Matthias Häußler, Lukas Splitthoff, and Carsten Schuck
16:30 |
Q 13.32 |
Towards a setup for HBT measurements using small telescopes — •Sebastian Karl, Stefan Richter, and Joachim von Zanthier
16:30 |
Q 13.33 |
Fast Photon Storage in an Atom-Cavity System with Raman Cooling — •Lukas Ahlheit, Wolfgang Alt, Maximilian Ammenwerth, Tobias Macha, Pooja Malik, Deepak Pandey, Hannes Pfeifer, Eduardo Uruñuela, and Dieter Meschede
16:30 |
Q 13.34 |
Directly Laser-Written Lab-on-Tip for Nanoscale Sensing — •José Ferreira Neto, Jonas Gutsche, Ashkan Zand, Stefan Dix, Stefan Guckenbiehl, and Artur Widera
16:30 |
Q 13.35 |
Incoherent Diffraction Imaging - Utilizing Intensity Interferometry for Imaging with Hard X-Rays — •Stefan Richter, Fabian Trost, Anton Classsen, Kartik Ayyer, Henry Chapman, Ralf Röhlsberger, and Joachim von Zanthier
16:30 |
Q 13.36 |
Mueller matrix microscopy setup for nanoform metrology — •Jana Grundmann, Tim Käseberg, and Bernd Bodermann
16:30 |
Q 13.37 |
Mechanically decoupling of Quantum Emitters in Hexagonal Boron Nitride — •Felix A. Breuning, Michael Hoese, Prithvi Reddy, Andreas Dietrich, Michael K. Koch, Konstantin G. Fehler, Marcus W. Doherty, and Alexander Kubanek
16:30 |
Q 13.38 |
Inverted plasmonic lens designs for ellipsometric form evaluations — •Tim Käseberg, Jana Grundmann, Thomas Siefke, Stefanie Kroker, and Bernd Bodermann
16:30 |
Q 13.39 |
Investigating Electron-Phonon Coupling of Defect Centers in hBN — •Michael K. Koch, Andreas Dietrich, Michael Hoese, Igor Aharonovich, Marcus W. Doherty, and Alexander Kubanek
16:30 |
Q 13.40 |
Nanomanipulation capabilities and optical coupling of intrinsically identical SiV− color centers in nanodiamonds — •Elena Steiger, Richard Waltrich, Stefan Häußler, Konstantin Fehler, Lukas Antoniuk, Liudmila Kulikova, Valery Davydov, Viatcheslav Agafonov, Fedor Jelezko, and Alexander Kubanek
16:30 |
Q 13.41 |
Hybrid assembly of quantum optical elements — •Andreas W. Schell
16:30 |
Q 13.42 |
Novel approaches for scanning probe sensing using color centers in diamond at ambient conditions — •Axel Hochstetter, Richard Nelz, and Elke Neu
16:30 |
Q 13.43 |
Molecular quantum optics on a chip — •Dominik Rattenbacher, Alexey Shkarin, Jan Renger, Tobias Utikal, Stephan Götzinger, and Vahid Sandoghdar
16:30 |
Q 13.44 |
Hybrid 2D material/dye molecule quantum emitter for negligible scattering-induced losses — •Sofia Pazzagli, Christian Liedl, Bita Rezania, Nikolai Severin, Jürgen Rabe, and Arno Rauschenbeutel
16:30 |
Q 13.45 |
Reliable Nanofabrication for color center-based diamond sensors — •Dipti Rani, Oliver Opaluch, Richard Nelz, Mariusz Radtke, and Elke Neu
16:30 |
Q 13.46 |
Analysis of polarisation transfer in diamond from NV centers to 13C assisted by P1 centers — •Marit Steiner, Benedikt Tratzmiller, and Martin Plenio
16:30 |
Q 13.47 |
High-resolution spectroscopy of single-molecule vibrational states in solid-state matrices — •Johannes Zirkelbach, Masoud Mirzaei, Tobias Utikal, Stephan Götzinger, and Vahid Sandoghdar
16:30 |
Q 13.48 |
Reduction of spectral diffusion by applying a sequence of optical control pulses — •Laura Orphal-Kobin, Joseph H. D. Munns, and Tim Schröder
16:30 |
Q 13.49 |
Optical Properties of Single Tin-Vacancy Centers in Diamond Nanopillars — •Joseph Munns, Cem Torun, Julian Bopp, Laura Orphal-Kobin, Natalia Kemf, Mathias Matalla, Ralph-Stephan Unger, Ina Ostermay, Alexander Külberg, Andreas Thies, and Tim Schröder
16:30 |
Q 13.50 |
Entanglement of High-Energy Photons — •Michael E. N. Tschaffon, Maxim A. Efremov, and Wolfgang P. Schleich
16:30 |
Q 13.51 |
Time emergence in the coherent state basis — •Sebastian Gemsheim and Jan-Michael Rost
16:30 |
Q 13.52 |
Bayesian inference of CSL-Parameters — •Björn Schrinski and Klaus Hornberger
16:30 |
Q 13.53 |
Phonon pair creation by tearing apart quantum vacuum fluctuations — •Florian Haße, Deviprasath Palani, Frederick Hakelberg, Philip Kiefer, Matthias Wittemer, Ulrich Warring, Tobias Schaetz, Christian Fey, and Ralf Schützhold
16:30 |
Q 13.54 |
Topological Protection in non-Hermitian Haldane Honeycomb Lattices — Pablo Reséndiz-Vázquez, •Konrad Tschernig, Armando Perez-Leija, Kurt Busch, and Roberto de J. León-Montiel
16:30 |
Q 13.55 |
Purcell-Enhanced Emission from Individual SiV- Center coupled to Photonic Crystal Cavity — •Niklas Lettner, Konstantin Fehler, Anna Ovvyan, Lukas Antoniuk, Nico Gruhler, Valery Davydov, Viatcheslav Agafonov, Wolfram H.P. Pernice, and Alexander Kubanek
16:30 |
Q 13.56 |
The interaction of a three-level system with quantized light — •Hendrik Rose, Daria V. Popolitova, Olga V. Tikhonova, Polina R. Sharapova, and Torsten Meier
16:30 |
Q 13.57 |
Generating two-mode squeezing through measurement-induced nonlinearity — •Matvei Riabinin, Polina Sharapova, Tim J. Bartley, and Torsten Meier
16:30 |
Q 13.58 |
The discrete and continuous fractional Fourier transform applied to entangled two-photon states — •Malin Kück, Kurt Busch, and Armando Perez-Leija
16:30 |
Q 13.59 |
Towards generation of Squeezed States of Light at the Rb D1 line — •Torben Sobottke and Roman Schnabel
16:30 |
Q 13.60 |
A robust, compact ion-trap quantum computer — •Verena Podlesnic, Ivan Pogorelov, Thomas Feldker, Thomas Monz, Philipp Schindler, and Rainer Blatt
16:30 |
Q 13.61 |
Developments towards Microwave-driven high-fidelity Quantum logic gates in multilayer ion traps — •Jonathan Morgner, Giorgio Zarantonello, Nicolás Pulido, Henning Hahn, Amado Bautista-Salvador, and Christian Ospelkaus
16:30 |
Q 13.62 |
Coherent control of ions in a surface trap using Raman lasers — •Benjamin Wilhelm, Lukas Gerster, Pavel Hrmo, Martin van Mourik, Philipp Schindler, Thomas Monz, and Rainer Blatt
16:30 |
Q 13.63 |
EIT based storage and manipulation of light pulses with cold atoms in HCF — Wei Li, •Parvez Islam, Di Hu, and Patrick Windpassinger
16:30 |
Q 13.64 |
Towards Cluster State Simulation of the (1+1)-dimensional Lattice Schwinger Model — •Stephan Schuster, Marc-Oliver Pleinert, and Joachim von Zanthier
16:30 |
Q 13.65 |
Estimating Error Rates of a Quantum Error Correction Code from its Syndromes — •Thomas Wagner, Martin Kliesch, Hermann Kampermann, and Dagmar Bruß
16:30 |
Q 13.66 |
Operation of a microfabricated 2D ion trap array — •Marco Valentini, Silke Auchter, Philip Holz, Gerald Stocker, Kirill Lakhmanskiy, Clemens Rössler, Elmar Aschauer, Yves Colombe, and Rainer Blatt
16:30 |
Q 13.67 |
Charakterisierung einer kryogenen Ionenfallen-Apparatur für skalierbare Quantenlogik — Jonas Schulz, •Max Werner, Janine Hilder, Daniel Pijn, Alexander Müller, Alexander Stahl, Björn Lekitsch, Ulrich Poschinger und Ferdinand Schmidt-Kaler
16:30 |
Q 13.68 |
Ion Trap Development for Scalable Quantum Computing — Alexander Müller, •Björn Lekitsch, Daniel Pijn, Janine Hilder, Alexander Stahl, Ferdinand Schmidt-Kaler, and Ulrich Poschinger
16:30 |
Q 13.69 |
A fast multichannel arbitrary waveform generator for controlling quantum logic experiments based on trapped ion qubits — •Alexander Stahl, Björn Lekitsch, Janine Hilder, Daniel Pijn, Alexander Müller, Daniel Wessel, Matthias Romer, Stefan Ulm, Frank Ziesel, Ferdinand Schmidt-Kaler, and Ulrich Poschinger
16:30 |
Q 13.70 |
The contribution has been withdrawn.