Hannover 2020 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
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Q 15: Quantum gases (Bosons) II
Dienstag, 10. März 2020, 11:00–13:00, e214
11:00 |
Q 15.1 |
Bose-Einstein condensates in weak and strong disorder potentials — •Milan Radonjić and Axel Pelster
11:30 |
Q 15.2 |
Atoms trapped by atoms — •Matthias Meister and Wolfgang P. Schleich
11:45 |
Q 15.3 |
Symmetry-induced many-body quantum interference in chaotic bosonic systems: An augmented Truncated Wigner approach — •Quirin Hummel, Peter Schlagheck, Denis Ullmo, Juan Diego Urbina, Klaus Richter, and Steven Tomsovic
12:00 |
Q 15.4 |
(Non)thermal states of ideal Bose gases contact with external reservoirs: The effect of finite reservoir coupling — •Alexander Schnell and Juzar Thingna
12:15 |
Q 15.5 |
Non-equilibrium dissipative dynamics of interacting bosons in an optical lattice — •Jens Benary, Marvin Röhrle, Alexandre Gil Moreno, Christian Baals, Jian Jiang, and Herwig Ott
12:30 |
Q 15.6 |
Inducing Resonances with Floquet Engineering of Ultracold Scattering — •Christoph Dauer, Axel Pelster, and Sebastian Eggert
12:45 |
Q 15.7 |
High fidelity two-qubit quantum gate with neutral atoms — •Hui Sun, Bing Yang, Hanyi Wang, Zhen-sheng Yuan, and Jian-wei Hui