Hannover 2020 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
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Q 17: Quantum gases (Bosons) III
Dienstag, 10. März 2020, 14:00–16:00, e214
14:00 |
Q 17.1 |
Implanting fermionic 6Li impurities in a Bose-Einstein condensate of 133Cs — •Eleonora Lippi, Binh Tran, Manuel Gerken, Lauritz Klaus, Bing Zhu, Moritz Drescher, Tilman Enss, and Matthias Weidemüller
14:15 |
Q 17.2 |
Bragg scattering of ultracold erbium atoms off a standing wave tuned to near a narrow-line transition — •Roberto Röll, David Helten, Daniel Babik, and Martin Weitz
14:30 |
Q 17.3 |
Witnessing bosonic and fermionic features in quantum transport — •Giulio Amato, Alberto Rodriguez, and Andreas Buchleitner
14:45 |
Q 17.4 |
Statistical Transmutation in One Dimension — •Martin Bonkhoff, Kevin Jägering, Nicholas Sedlmayr, Sebastian Eggert, and Axel Pelster
15:00 |
Q 17.5 |
Spectroscopy of dense xenon ensembles - Towards Bose-Einstein condensation of vacuum-ultraviolet photons — •Thilo vom Hövel, Christian Wahl, Frank Vewinger, and Martin Weitz
15:15 |
Q 17.6 |
Breaking continuous time-translation symmetrie in a cavity-BEC-system — •Hans Keßler, Jayson G. Cosme, Christoph Georges, and Andreas Hemmerich
15:30 |
Q 17.7 |
Superradiant multimode Floquet polaritons — •Christian Johansen, Johannes Lang, and Francesco Piazza
15:45 |
Q 17.8 |
The contribution has been withdrawn.