Hannover 2020 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
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Q 19: Quantum Optics II
Dienstag, 10. März 2020, 14:00–16:00, f342
14:00 |
Q 19.1 |
Lindbladian approximation beyond the ultra weak coupling assumption — •Tobias Becker, Ling-Na Wu, Daniel Vorberg, and André Eckardt
14:15 |
Q 19.1a |
Master equation for multilevel interference in a superradiant medium — •Aleksei Konovalov, Andreas Buchheit, and Giovanna Morigi
14:30 |
Q 19.2 |
Dynamical phase transitions in a chiral spin chain — •Giuseppe Buonaiuto, Ryan Jones, Beatriz Olmos, and Igor Lesanovsky
14:45 |
Q 19.3 |
Chiral and correlated atoms driven by non-classical states of light — •Kevin Kleinbeck and Hans Peter Büchler
15:00 |
Q 19.4 |
Spinor self-ordering of thermal atoms in an optical cavity — •Luigi Giannelli, Simon Jäger, and Giovanna Morigi
15:15 |
Q 19.5 |
Observation of squeezed light from weakly coupled emitters — Jakob Hinney, Adarsh Prasad, Sahand Mahmoodian, Klemens Hammerer, Arno Rauschenbeutel, Samuel Rind, Philipp Schneeweiss, Anders Sørensen, Jürgen Volz, and •Max Schemmer
15:30 |
Q 19.6 |
Collectively enhanced chiral photon emission from an atomic array near a nanofiber — Ryan Jones, Giuseppe Buonaiuto, Ben Lang, Igor Lesanovsky, and •Beatriz Olmos
15:45 |
Q 19.7 |
Transferring entanglement from the spin domain to distinct momentum states — •Fabian Anders, Alexander Idel, Bernd Meyer, and Carsten Klempt