Hannover 2020 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
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Q 20: Ultrashort Laser Pulses and Biophotonics
Dienstag, 10. März 2020, 14:00–15:45, f435
14:00 |
Q 20.1 |
Rescattering and space-charge trapping in strong-field photoemission from a macroscopically extruded nanoblade — •Timo Paschen, Ryan Roussel, Christian Heide, Lennart Seiffert, Joshua Mann, Björn Kruse, Philip Dienstbier, Thomas Fennel, James Rosenzweig, and Peter Hommelhoff
14:15 |
Q 20.2 |
Saturated Femtosecond Stimulated Raman Scattering for Sub-Diffraction-Limited Label-Free Imaging — •Thomas Würthwein, Niels Irwin, and Carsten Fallnich
14:30 |
Q 20.3 |
Characterization of sub-10 fs UV pulses using XPW dispersion scan — •Ayhan Tajalli, Thomas Kalousdian, Martin Kretschmar, Sven Kleinert, Uwe Morgner, and Tamas Nagy
14:45 |
Q 20.4 |
Optical Kerr Gating with an ultrashort laser pulse — •Dominik Horstmann, Michael Stumpf, and Georg Pretzler
15:00 |
Q 20.5 |
Attoseconds on a Chip - Time Domain Measurement of a Near-IR Transient — •Felix Ritzkowsky, Mina Bionta, Marco Turchetti, Yujia Yang, Karl Berggren, Franz Kärtner, and Phillip Keathley
15:15 |
Q 20.6 |
NaYF4:Yb,Er Upconversion Nanoparticles: Analysis of Energy Loss Processes — •Bettina Grauel, Christian Homann, Christian Würth, Ute Resch-Genger, and Markus Haase
15:30 |
Q 20.7 |
Rapidly tunable all-fiber light source for live multicolor coherent Raman imaging — •Maximilian Brinkmann, Tim Hellwig, and Carsten Fallnich