Hannover 2020 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
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Q 25: Quantum gases (Bosons) IV
Mittwoch, 11. März 2020, 11:00–13:00, e214
11:00 |
Q 25.1 |
Exciting an interaction-tuneable uniform Bose gas confined in flatland — •Julian Schmitt, Panagiotis Christodoulou, Maciej Galka, Nishant Dogra, Jay Man, and Zoran Hadzibabic
11:15 |
Q 25.2 |
Single-atom quantum probes for ultracold gases using nonequilibrium spin dynamics — •Daniel Adam, Quentin Bouton, Sabrina Burgardt, Jens Nettersheim, Tobias Lausch, Daniel Mayer, Felix Schmidt, Eberhard Tiemann, and Artur Widera
11:30 |
Q 25.3 |
Dynamical structure factors of dynamical quantum simulators — Maria Laura Baez, Marcel Goihl, Jonas Haferkamp, Juan Bermejo-Veja, •Marek Gluza, and Jens Eisert
11:45 |
Q 25.4 |
Dissipation induced structural instability and chiral dynamics in a quantum Gas — •Nishant Dogra, Manuele Landini, Katrin Kroeger, Lorenz Hruby, Francesco Ferri, Rodrigo Rosa-Medina, Fabian Finger, Tobias Donner, and Tilman Esslinger
12:00 |
Q 25.5 |
Realizing the Deep Strong Coupling Regime of the Quantum Rabi Model with Ultracold Rubidium Atoms — •Geram Hunanyan, Johannes Koch, and Martin Weitz
12:15 |
Q 25.6 |
Strongly interacting bosons in a synthetic magnetic field — •Julian Léonard, Robert Schittko, Sooshin Kim, Joyce Kwan, and Markus Greiner
12:30 |
Q 25.7 |
Bose Gases on Spheres and Ellipsoids — •Natália Móller, Ednilson Santos, Vanderlei Bagnato, and Axel Pelster
12:45 |
Q 25.8 |
NOON states with ultracold bosonic gases via resonance-assisted tunneling — •Guillaume Vanhaele and Peter Schlagheck