Hannover 2020 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
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Q 29: Quantum Effects (Entanglement and Decoherence)
Mittwoch, 11. März 2020, 11:00–13:00, f442
11:00 |
Q 29.1 |
Simulating open quantum systems using quantum Zeno dynamics — •Sabrina Patsch, Sabrina Maniscalco, and Christiane P. Koch
11:15 |
Q 29.2 |
Excitonic Wave Function Reconstruction from Near-Field Spectra Using Machine Learning Techniques — •Fulu Zheng, Xing Gao, and Alexander Eisfeld
11:30 |
Q 29.3 |
Lie algebra methods for solving the quantum evolution of lossy bosonic chains — •Lucas Teuber and Stefan Scheel
11:45 |
Q 29.4 |
The contribution has been withdrawn.
12:00 |
Q 29.5 |
Entanglement and complexity in dissipative quantum cellular automata — •Javad Kazemi and Hendrik Weimer
12:15 |
Q 29.6 |
On open quantum systems in thermal non-ergodic environments — •Carlos Parra-Murillo, Max Bramberger, Claudius Hubig, and Ines de Vega
12:30 |
Q 29.7 |
Speeding up a single ion thermal machine — •Moritz Goeb, Erik Torrontegui, Samuel Dawkins, and Kilian Singer
12:45 |
Q 29.8 |
Optimal Control Methods applied in Magnetic Resonance Fingerprinting — •Amanda Nicotina and Steffen Glaser