Hannover 2020 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
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Q 4: Quantum gases (Fermions) I
Montag, 9. März 2020, 11:00–13:00, e214
11:00 |
Q 4.1 |
Simulationg the Mott insulator using attractive interaction — •Chun Fai Chan, Marcell Gall, Nicola Wurz, Jens Samland, and Michael Köhl
11:15 |
Q 4.2 |
Dark state dynamics in dissipative Fermi gases — •Lukas Freystatzky and Ludwig Mathey
11:30 |
Q 4.3 |
Detecting topology in interacting fermionic wires via post-quench observables — Andreas Haller, Pietro Massignan, and •Matteo Rizzi
11:45 |
Q 4.4 |
Observing the Few-Body Precursor of a Higgs Mode — •Luca Bayha, Marvin Holten, Keerthan Subramanian, Ralf Klemt, Philipp Preiß, and Selim Jochim
12:00 |
Q 4.5 |
Slow quench in dilute attractively interacting Fermi gases: Emergence of preformed pairs — •Johannes Kombe, Jean-Sébastien Bernier, Michael Köhl, and Corinna Kollath
12:15 |
Q 4.6 |
Assembling a Strongly Correlated Fermi Superfluid one Atom at a Time — •Marvin Holten, Luca Bayha, Keerthan Subramanian, Carl Heintze, Philipp Preiss, and Selim Jochim
12:30 |
Q 4.7 |
Unsupervised Machine Learning of Topological Phase Transitions from Experimental Data — •Niklas Käming, Benno Rem, Matthias Tarnowski, Luca Asteria, Nick Fläschner, Christoph Becker, Klaus Sengstock, and Christof Weitenberg
12:45 |
Q 4.8 |
Experimental Quantum State Reconstruction of Few-Fermion Systems via Neural Networks — •Laurin Fischer, Marcel Neugebauer, Martin Gärttner, Philipp Preiss, Matthias Weidemüller, and Selim Jochim