Hannover 2020 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
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Q 41: Quantum Information (Quantum Communication and Quantum Repeater) I
Donnerstag, 12. März 2020, 11:00–13:00, e001
11:00 |
Q 41.1 |
Photonic qubit memories for quantum networks — •Olivier Morin, Stefan Langenfeld, Matthias Körber, and Gerhard Rempe
11:30 |
Q 41.2 |
Single-Photon Distillation with an Atom-Cavity System — •Stephan Welte, Severin Daiss, Lukas Hartung, Emanuele Distante, Bastian Hacker, Lin Li, and Gerhard Rempe
11:45 |
Q 41.3 |
Development of Single Photon Quantum Frequency Conversion for Quantum Computing Networks — •Marcel Hohn and Simon Stellmer
12:00 |
Q 41.4 |
Spin-controlled indistinguishable and distinguishable photon emission from colour centres in silicon carbide — •Florian Kaiser, Naoya Morioka, Roland Nagy, Izel Gediz, Erik Hesselmeier, Charles Babin, Matthias Niethammer, Roman Kolesov, Durga Dasari, Rainer Stöhr, and Jörg Wrachtrup
12:15 |
Q 41.5 |
Photon entanglement distribution using a single trapped ion as quantum memory — •Martin Steinel, Matthias Kreis, Jan Arenskötter, Stephan Kucera, and Jürgen Eschner
12:30 |
Q 41.6 |
Integrated photonics for quantum communications in space — Ömer Bayraktar, •Jonas Pudelko, Winfried Boxleitner, Christoph Pacher, Gerd Leuchs, and Christoph Marquardt
12:45 |
Q 41.7 |
Orchestrating parametric down conversion temporal modes — •Jano Gil Lopez, Vahid Ansari, Benjamin Brecht, and Christine Silberhorn