Hannover 2020 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
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Q 44: Laser Development and Applications
Donnerstag, 12. März 2020, 11:00–13:00, f435
11:00 |
Q 44.1 |
VECSEL system for quantum manipulation of trapped magnesium ions — •Till Rehmert, Maximilian J. Zawierucha, Jan Christoph Heip, Fabian Wolf, and Piet O. Schmidt
11:15 |
Q 44.2 |
Femtosecond writing of waveguides structures inside polymers. — •Dmitrii Perevoznik and Uwe Morgner
11:30 |
Q 44.3 |
Selective Hermite-Gaussian mode excitation in a laser cavity by external pump beam shaping — •Florian Schepers, Tim Bexter, Tim Hellwig, and Carsten Fallnich
11:45 |
Q 44.4 |
High-Order and Multi-Line Transverse Mode Locking of an End-Pumped Solid-State Laser — •Florian Schepers and Carsten Fallnich
12:00 |
Q 44.5 |
Stimulated Raman Scattering Spectroscopy on Microplastic Particles with a Noncollinear Optical Parametric Oscillator — •Luise Beichert, Yuliya Binhammer, José Ricardo Andrade, and Uwe Morgner
12:15 |
Q 44.6 |
Linewidth-reduced DBR laser for Raman sideband cooling — •Pooja Malik, Lukas Ahlheit, Wolfgang Alt, Maximilian Ammenwerth, Tobias Macha, Deepak Pandey, Hannes Pfeifer, Eduardo Uruñuela, and Dieter Meschede
12:30 |
Q 44.7 |
Argon Trap Trace Analysis: Radiometric dating of environmental samples with applied quantum technology — •Lisa Ringena, Julian Robertz, Maximilian Schmidt, Niccolo Rigi-Luperti, Florian Sandel, Jeremias Gutekunst, Arne Kersting, Yannis Arck, David Wachs, Annabelle Kaiser, Werner Aeschbach, and Markus Oberthaler
12:45 |
Q 44.8 |
Optical bend sensor based on micro-structured polymer optical fibres — •Lennart Leffers, Kort Bremer, Bernhard Roth, and Ludger Overmeyer