Hannover 2020 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
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Q 5: Ultracold atoms, ions, and BEC I (joint session A/Q)
Montag, 9. März 2020, 11:00–13:00, f303
11:00 |
Q 5.1 |
Creation of ultracold bosonic 23Na39K ground state molecules — •Kai Konrad Voges, Philipp Gersema, Torsten Hartmann, Mara Meyer zum Alten Borgloh, Torben Alexander Schulze, Alessandro Zenesini, and Silke Ospelkaus
11:30 |
Q 5.2 |
Spin-rotation coupling in p-wave Feshbach resonances — •Manuel Gerken, Binh Tran, Eleonora Lippi, Bing Zhu, Stefan Häfner, Juris Ulmanis, Eberhard Tiemann, and Matthias Weidemüller
11:45 |
Q 5.3 |
Tune-out and magic wavelengths for the 23Na40K molecule — •Roman Bause, Xing-Yan Chen, Andreas Schindewolf, Ming Li, Marcel Duda, Svetlana Kotochigova, Immanuel Bloch, and Xin-Yu Luo
12:00 |
Q 5.4 |
Efimov physics in strongly mass-imbalanced atom-dimer gases — •Panagiotis Giannakeas and Chris H. Greene
12:15 |
Q 5.5 |
Autodetachment reaction dynamics in anion-atom reactions. — •Saba Zia Hassan, Jonas Tauch, Milaim Kas, Markus Nötzold, Henry Lopez, Eric Endres, Roland Wester, and Matthias Weidemüller
12:30 |
Q 5.6 |
A new ultracold atomic mixture experiment : SoPa — •Rohit Prasad Bhatt, Lilo Höcker, Jan Kilinc, and Fred Jendrzejewski
12:45 |
Q 5.7 |
Squeezed-field path-integral description of a BEC — •Ilias Mir Heliassudin Seifie, Vijay Pal Singh, and Ludwig Mathey