Hannover 2020 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
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Q 51: Quantum Optics IV
Donnerstag, 12. März 2020, 14:00–16:00, f342
14:00 |
Q 51.1 |
Interplay of dissipative and coherent processes in engineered quantum systems — •Anja Metelmann
14:30 |
Q 51.2 |
The contribution has been moved to Q 19.1a.
14:30 |
Q 51.3 |
Dynamical detection of dipole-dipole interactions in dilute atomic gases — •Benedikt Ames, Edoardo Carnio, Vyacheslav Shatokhin, and Andreas Buchleitner
14:45 |
Q 51.4 |
Quantum illumination for remote target detection — •Giacomo Sorelli, Nicolas Treps, Frédéric Grosshans, Claude Fabre, and Fabrice Boust
15:00 |
Q 51.5 |
Optimizing spontaneous parametric down-conversion sources for boson sampling — •Reinier van der Meer, Jelmer J. Renema, Benjamin Brecht, Christine Silberhorn, and Pepijn W. H. Pinkse
15:15 |
Q 51.6 |
Correlated photon-pair emission from a cw-pumped Fabry-Perot microcavity — •Thorsten F. Langerfeld, Felix Rönchen, Hendrik M. Meyer, and Michael Köhl
15:30 |
Q 51.7 |
Quantum Feedback, self-stimulation and Fock State Generation — Melanie Engelkemeier, Ish Dhand, Evan Meyer-Scott, Jan Sperling, Sonja Barkhofen, •Benjamin Brecht, Martin Plenio, and Christine Silberhorn
15:45 |
Q 51.8 |
Second Harmonic Generation at Cryogenic Temperatures in Lithium Niobate Waveguides — •Nina Amelie Lange, Moritz Bartnick, Jan Philipp Höpker, Frederik Thiele, Raimund Ricken, Viktor Quiring, Christof Eigner, Harald Herrmann, Christine Silberhorn, and Tim Bartley