Hannover 2020 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
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Q 52: Cold Molecules II (joint session Q/MO)
Donnerstag, 12. März 2020, 14:00–15:45, f442
14:00 |
Q 52.1 |
Long-range interactions between polar molecules and Rydberg atoms — •Martin Zeppenfeld
14:30 |
Q 52.2 |
Heteronuclear long-range Rydberg molecules — •Michael Peper and Johannes Deiglmayr
14:45 |
Q 52.3 |
Stability of quantum degenerate Fermi gases of tilted polar molecules — •Vladimir Veljić, Axel Pelster, and Antun Balaž
15:00 |
Q 52.4 |
Progress on Zeeman slowing of CaF — •Mariia Stepanova, Paul Kaebert, Timo Poll, Maurice Petzold, Supeng Xu, Mirco Siercke, and Silke Ospelkaus
15:15 |
Q 52.5 |
Towards Direct Laser Cooling of Barium Monofluoride — •Ralf Albrecht, Marian Rockenhäuser, and Tim Langen
15:30 |
Q 52.6 |
Manipulation of molecular hydrogen in a Rydberg-Stark state on a chip to study cold collisions — •Katharina Höveler, Johannes Deiglmayr, Josef Agner, Hansjürg Schmutz, and Frédéric Merkt