Hannover 2020 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
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Q 58: Quantum gases (Bosons) V
Freitag, 13. März 2020, 11:00–13:00, e214
11:00 |
Q 58.1 |
Thermally condensing photons into a coherently split state of light — •Christian Kurtscheid, David Dung, Erik Busley, Frank Vewinger, Achim Rosch, and Martin Weitz
11:30 |
Q 58.2 |
Multimode cavity QED description of photonic Bose--Einstein condensation — •David Steinbrecht, Robert Bennett, and Stefan Yoshi Buhmann
11:45 |
Q 58.3 |
Nonequilibrium density wave order in driven atom-cavity system — •Christoph Georges, Hans Keßler, Phatthamon Kongkhambut, and Andreas Hemmerich
12:00 |
Q 58.4 |
Continuous feedback on a quantum gas coupled to an optical cavity — •Rodrigo Rosa-Medina, Katrin Kroeger, Nishant Dogra, Marcin Paluch, Fabian Finger, Francesco Ferri, Tobias Donner, and Tilman Esslinger
12:15 |
Q 58.5 |
Crystalline droplets with emergent color-charge in multimode optical cavities — •Petr Karpov and Francesco Piazza
12:30 |
Q 58.6 |
Compressing the Phase Space Density of Light by Thermalization in a Dye-Filled Microcavity — •Erik Busley, Christian Kurtscheid, Fahri Öztürk, David Dung, and Martin Weitz
12:45 |
Q 58.7 |
Dimensional Crossover of Photon Bose-Einstein Condensates — •Enrico Stein and Axel Pelster