Hannover 2020 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
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Q 60: Quantum Effects (Cavity QED)
Freitag, 13. März 2020, 11:00–13:00, f442
11:00 |
Q 60.1 |
Ab initio few-mode theory — •Dominik Lentrodt and Jörg Evers
11:15 |
Q 60.2 |
Multi-atom scaling of light-matter interactions in a fiber-coupled cavity — •Fabian Spallek and Stefan Yoshi Buhmann
11:30 |
Q 60.3 |
The coupling of free-electrons with whispering-gallery modes — •Ofer Kfir, Hugo Lourenço-Martins, Gero Storeck, Murat Sivis, Tyler Harvey, Tobias Kippenberg, Armin Feist, and Claus Ropers
11:45 |
Q 60.4 |
Monolithic Fiber Fabry-Perot Cavities with improved mode matching. — •Madhavakkannan Saravanan, Carlos Saavedra Salazar, Deepak Pandey, Hannes Pfeifer, Wolfgang Alt, and Dieter Meschede
12:00 |
Q 60.5 |
Benchmarking the coupling of single photon emitters to optical resonators — •Gregor Bayer, Stefan Häußler, Igor Aharonovich, David Hunger, and Alexander Kubanek
12:15 |
Q 60.6 |
Single-Photon Switching: A Single Molecule Strongly Coupled to a Microcavity — •André Pscherer, Manuel Meierhofer, Daqing Wang, Hrishikesh Kelkar, Diego Martín-Cano, Stephan Götzinger, and Vahid Sandoghdar
12:30 |
Q 60.7 |
Continuous Quantum Light from a Dark Atom: Theory — •Bo Wang, Christopher Ianzano, Nicolas Tolazzi, Celso Villas-Boas, and Gerhard Rempe
12:45 |
Q 60.8 |
Continuous Quantum Light from a Dark Atom: Experiment — •Christopher Ianzano, Nicolas Tolazzi, Bo Wang, Celso Villas-Boas, and Gerhard Rempe