Hannover 2020 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
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Q 61: SYCM: Contributed talks for the Symposium Hot topics in cold molecules: From laser cooling to quantum resonances
Freitag, 13. März 2020, 14:00–15:15, e415
14:00 |
Q 61.1 |
Towards laser cooling and trapping of AlF molecules — •Simon Hofsäss, Maximilian Doppelbauer, Sebastian Kray, Jesùs Pérez-Ríos, Boris Sartakov, Gerard Meijer, and Stefan Truppe
14:15 |
Q 61.2 |
Towards sympathetic cooling of the ultracold SrF molecule — •Maciej Kosicki, Masato Morita, Piotr Zuchowski, and Timur Tscherbul
14:30 |
Q 61.3 |
Spectroscopic studies on the lowest triplet states of AlF — •Nicole Walter, Silvio Marx, Maximilian Doppelbauer, Jesús Pérez-Ríos, Boris Sartakov, Sebastian Kray, Simon Hofsäss, Christian Schewe, Stefan Truppe, and Gerard Meijer
14:45 |
Q 61.4 |
Spectroscopic studies of spin-forbidden transitions in aluminum monofluoride — •Maximilian Doppelbauer, Silvio Marx, Simon Hofsäss, Nicole Walter, Sebastian Kray, Christian Schewe, Boris Sartakov, Jesús Pérez-Ríos, Stefan Truppe, and Gerard Meijer
15:00 |
Q 61.5 |
P,T-Violting effects in polyatomic molecules – An electronic structure perspective — •Konstantin Gaul and Robert Berger