
Hannover 2020 – scientific programme

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Q: Fachverband Quantenoptik und Photonik

Q 7: Nano-Optics (Microscopy and Plasmonics)

Q 7.4: Talk

Monday, March 9, 2020, 15:00–15:15, a310

Plasmon-assisted Purcell enhancement of silicon-vacancy color centers in diamond membranes — •Haritha Kambalathmana1, Assegid Mengistu Flatae1, Stefano Lagomarsino1, Florian Sledz1, Lukas Hunold1, Claudio Biagini2, Francesco Tantussi2, Francesco De Angelis2, and Mario Agio11Laboratory of Nano-Optics, University of Siegen, 57072 Siegen, Germany — 2Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia, 16163 Genova, Italy

Ultrafast solid-state single-photon sources are desirable in quantum information science and fundamental quantum optics. Currently, we have developed techniques for the fabrication and optical characterization of single-photon sources based on silicon-vacancy (SiV) color centers in diamond [1]. We have experimentally shown that plasmonic gold nano-cones enhance the radiative decay rate by more than three orders of magnitude and boost the efficiency of quantum emitters [2]. We fabricate gold nano-cones on a commercially available atomic force microscopy probe by gold deposition followed by focused ion beam milling. The SiV centers are shallow-implanted in thin diamond membrane to provide the required dimension for near-field interaction in a controlled manner. Theoretical calculations show that the fabricated nano-cones can provide more than four orders of magnitude enhancement in the Purcell factor and a quantum efficiency of 80% [3]. References:[1] S. Lagomarsino, et al., Diam. Relat. Mater. 84, 196 (2018). [2] A. M. Flatae, et al., J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 10, 2874-2878 (2019). [3] H. Kambalathmana, et al., Proc.SPIE 11091, 1109108-1 (2019).

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