Hannover 2020 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
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Q 8: Quantum Information (Concepts and Methods) II
Montag, 9. März 2020, 14:00–16:00, e001
14:00 |
Q 8.1 |
Quantum trajectories---measurement interpretation — Nina Megier, Walter T. Strunz, and •Kimmo Luoma
14:15 |
Q 8.2 |
Bohmian trajectories in a double slit - delayed choice analysis with entangled photons — •Jan Dziewior, Lukas Knips, Jasmin D. A. Meinecke, Maria Galli, and Harald Weinfurter
14:30 |
Q 8.3 |
Complementarity between one- and two-body visibilities — •Christoph Dittel and Gregor Weihs
14:45 |
Q 8.4 |
Representing an experimental two photon state with a neural network — •Marcel Neugebauer, Martin Gärttner, Laurin Fischer, Alexander Jäger, Selim Jochim, and Matthias Weidemüller
15:00 |
Q 8.5 |
Detecting entanglement with two product observables — •Nikolai Wyderka, Mariami Gachechiladze, and Otfried Gühne
15:15 |
Q 8.6 |
Quantum tetrachotomous states in phase space — •Namrata Shukla, Naeem Akhtar, and Barry C. Sanders
15:30 |
Q 8.7 |
The shape of higher-dimensional state space – Bloch sphere analog for a qutrit — Christopher Eltschka, Marcus Huber, Simon Morelli, and •Jens Siewert
15:45 |
Q 8.8 |
Representing quantum states on neuromorphic hardware — •Julius Vernie, Marcel Neugebauer, Laurin Fischer, Andreas Baumbach, Martin Gärttner, Selim Jochim, and Matthias Weidemüller