Hannover 2020 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
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SYAR 1: The state of the art in actinide research
Mittwoch, 11. März 2020, 11:00–13:00, e415
11:00 |
SYAR 1.1 |
Use of actinides in medical research — •Thomas Elias Cocolios
11:30 |
SYAR 1.2 |
Pushing the Limits: Detection of Long-Lived Actinides at VERA — •Karin Hain, Michael Kern, Francesca Quinto, Aya Sakaguchi, Peter Steier, Gabriele Wallner, Andreas Wiederin, Masatoshi Yamada, and Robin Golser
12:00 |
SYAR 1.3 |
Application of Inorganic Mass Spectrometry in Nuclear Forensics — •Klaus Mayer, Maria Walllenius, Zsolt Varga, Magnus Hedberg, and Michael Krachler
12:30 |
SYAR 1.4 |
Actinide elements and fundamental nuclear structure studies — •Iain Moore