16:30 |
BP 11.1 |
How fast do PMCA pumps transport Ca2+? — •Barbara Schmidt, Cristina E. Constantin, Bernd Fakler, and Heiko Rieger
16:30 |
BP 11.2 |
Molecular Friction and Adhesion on Porous Membranes — •Kordula Schellnhuber, Hanna Hübner, Johanna Blass, Markus Gallei, and Roland Bennewitz
16:30 |
BP 11.3 |
The mechanics of single cross-links which mediate cell attachment at a hydrogel surface — Arzu Colak, Bin Li, Johanna Blass, Aranzazu del Campo, and •Roland Bennewitz
16:30 |
BP 11.4 |
Deep reinforcement learning of molecular mechanisms — •Roberto Covino, Hendrik Jung, Arjun Wadhawan, Peter G. Bolhuis, and Gerhard Hummer
16:30 |
BP 11.5 |
Acidic amino acids do not affect the robustness of protein hydration layers to changes in KCl concentration — •Hosein Geraili and Ana Vila Verde
16:30 |
BP 11.6 |
Optical tweezers and multimodality imaging: a platform for dynamic single-molecule analysis — •Bärbel Lorenz, Ann Mukhortava, and Philipp Rauch
16:30 |
BP 11.7 |
Molecular mechanisms of single alpha helix deformation under tension — Ana Bergues-Pupo, Reinhard Lipowsky, and •Ana Vila Verde
16:30 |
BP 11.8 |
Structural Dynamics Correlation of Peptides derived from Nucleoporins: Time-resolved X-ray Scattering and Computational Modelling — •Naireeta Biswas, Markus Osterhoff, Jakob Soltau, Sheung Chun Ng, Dirk Görlich, and Simone Techert
16:30 |
BP 11.9 |
Heat flows adjust local ion concentrations in favor of prebiotic chemistry — •T. Matreux, K. LeVay, A. Schmid, P. Aikkila, L. Belohlavek, Z. Caliskanoglu, E. Salibi, A. Kühnlein, C. Springsklee, B. Scheu, D.B. Dingwell, D. Braun, H. Mutschler, and C.B. Mast
16:30 |
BP 11.10 |
Structured keratin films as artificial nail plate model — •Kim Thomann, Andreas Späth, and Rainer H. Fink
16:30 |
BP 11.11 |
Activity of hydrogel-encapsulated cells monitored by atomic force microscopy — •Mengxiao Li, Kordula Schellnhuber, Shardul Bhusari, Johanna Blass, Shrikrishnan Sankaran, and Roland Bennewitz
16:30 |
BP 11.12 |
Cohesin and condensin extrude DNA loops in a cell cycle-dependent manner — •Stefan Golfier, Thomas Quail, and Jan Brugues
16:30 |
BP 11.13 |
UV-Induced Selectivity of Short DNA Oligonucleotides in Early Evolution — •Corinna L. Kufner, Dominik B. Bucher, Wolfgang Zinth, Christof B. Mast, Gabriella G. Lozano, Sukrit Ranjan, Zoe R. Todd, and Dimitar D. Sasselov
16:30 |
BP 11.14 |
Nanomechanics of DNA self-assemblies and light driven molecular motors — Michael Penth, Yijun Yijun, Arzu Çolak, Kordula Schellnhuber, Mitchell K.L. Han, Aránzazu del Campo, Roland Bennewitz, and •Johanna Blass
16:30 |
BP 11.15 |
In-situ GiSAXS investigations of sprayed drugs on Peptide Hydrogel based matrix — •Naireeta Biswas, Elisabeth Erbes, Krishnayan Basuroy, Jose Velaquez Garcia, Sreevidya Thekku Veedu, Matthias Schwartzkopf, Calvin Brett, Stephan Roth, and Simone Techert
16:30 |
BP 11.16 |
Cytoplasmic streaming enables inter-nuclear signaling in the giant syncytium Physarum polycephalum — •Nico Schramma, Siyu Chen, and Karen Alim
16:30 |
BP 11.17 |
Resolving Energy Storage in Extra-Embryonic Membranes — •Zoë Lange, Franziska Krämer, Frederic Strobl, Ernst Stelzer, and Franziska Matthäus
16:30 |
BP 11.18 |
Cell Fate Clusters in Inner Cell Mass Organoids Arise from Cell Fate Heredity — •Tim Liebisch, Armin Drusko, Biena Mathew, Ernst Stelzer, Sabine Fischer, and Franziska Matthäus
16:30 |
BP 11.19 |
Migration of Cytotoxic T Lymphocytes in Collagen Matrices — •Zeinab Sadjadi, Heiko Rieger, Markus Hoth, Bin Qu, and Renping Zhao
16:30 |
BP 11.20 |
Is Cell segregation just like oil and water: A phase field approach — •Florian Franke, Steffen Lange, Hans-Joachim Böhme, Sebastian Aland, and Anja Voß-Böhme
16:30 |
BP 11.21 |
Theoretical approaches to mechanics of biofilms — •Hui-Shun Kuan, Wolfram Pönisch, Leander Self, Frank Jülicher, Michael Schmiedederg, and Vasily Zaburdaev
16:30 |
BP 11.22 |
Nanoprobing of osteoblasts adhered to molecular landscapes of dendrimer and protein — Christian Völkner, Issam Assi, Willi Karberg, •Regina Lange, Martina Grüning, Barbara Nebe, Ingo Barke, and Sylvia Speller
16:30 |
BP 11.23 |
Kinetics of light-switchable surface association of C. reinhardtii populations — •Rodrigo Catalan, Alexandros Fragkopoulos, Nicolas von Trott, Simon Kelterborn, Peter Hegemann, and Oliver Bäumchen
16:30 |
BP 11.24 |
Unravelling the biomolecular origin of light-switchable adhesion of Chlamydomonas to surfaces — •Antoine Girot, Rodrigo Catalán, Alexandros Fragkopoulos, Marzieh Karimi, Simon Kelterborn, Peter Hegemann, Michael Hippler, and Oliver Bäumchen
16:30 |
BP 11.25 |
Determination of the effective adhesion parameter for the sorting behavior of a cell system with several cell types using statistical learning methods — •Philipp Roßbach, Steffen Lange, Hans-Joachim Böhme, and Anja Voss-Böhme
16:30 |
BP 11.26 |
Optogenetic control of intracellular flows and cell migration: a minimal active gel model — •Oliver M. Drozdowski, Falko Ziebert, and Ulrich S. Schwarz
16:30 |
BP 11.27 |
Reversible elastic phase field approach and application to cell monolayers — •Robert Chojowski, Ulrich S. Schwarz, and Falko Ziebert
16:30 |
BP 11.28 |
Morphodynamics in the Foraging of Physarum polycephalum — •Lisa Schick and Karen Alim
16:30 |
BP 11.29 |
A general theoretical framework to describe the influence of electric field on Mesechymal stem cell differentiation — •Jonathan Dawson, Ursula van Rienen, Poh Soo Lee, and Revathi Appali
16:30 |
BP 11.30 |
Asymmetries & gradients during early C. elegans embryogenesis — •Rebecca Benelli, Philipp Struntz, Dirk Hoffmann, and Matthias Weiss
16:30 |
BP 11.31 |
Characterisation of local membrane height fluctuations on live cells — •Max Ulbrich, Christian Völkner, Regina Lange, Sophie Kussauer, Robert David, Martina Grüning, Barbara Nebe, Ingo Barke, and Sylvia Speller
16:30 |
BP 11.32 |
The contribution has been withdrawn.
16:30 |
BP 11.33 |
Multi-color fluorescence fluctuation spectroscopy in living cells via spectral detection — •Valentin Dunsing, Annett Petrich, and Salvatore Chiantia
16:30 |
BP 11.34 |
Conditions for thermodynamic stability and critical points in multicomponent mixtures with structured interactions — •Isabella Graf and Benjamin Machta
16:30 |
BP 11.35 |
Modeling RNA Polymerase II clusters by lattice kinetic Monte Carlo simulations — •Tim Klingberg, Lennart Hilbert, and Vasily Zaburdaev
16:30 |
BP 11.36 |
Euchromatin reorganisation during transcription resembles active microemulsion — •Rakesh Chatterjee, Hui-Shun Kuan, and Vasily Zaburdaev
16:30 |
BP 11.37 |
Deformability-based cell sorting by a microfluidic ratchet effect — •Sebastian W. Krauss, Pierre-Yves Gires, Winfried Schmidt, Walter Zimmermann, and Matthias Weiss
16:30 |
BP 11.38 |
Mechanical phenotyping beyond geometrical constraints using virtual fluidic channels — •Muzaffar Panhwar, Fabian Czerwinski, Venkata A.S. Dabbirru, Yesaswini Komaragiri, Peter Nestler, Bob Fregin, Ricardo H. Pires, Doreen Biedenweg, and Oliver Otto
16:30 |
BP 11.39 |
Monitor, categorize and manipulate label-free water-in-oil droplets in microfluidic systems — •Tobias Neckernuss, Chrostoph Frey, Jonas Pfeil, Daniel Geiger, Ilia Platzman, Joachim Spatz, and Othmar Marti
16:30 |
BP 11.40 |
Transition of adherent to suspension state: relevance to cell mechanical properties — •Venkata Dabbiru, Emmanual Manu, Huy Tung Dau, Nora Bödecker, Doreen Biedenweg, Ricardo Pires, and Oliver Otto
16:30 |
BP 11.41 |
Brillouin microscopy studies on phase separated FUS protein droplets — •Timon Beck, Mark Leaver, Raimund Schlüssler, and Jochen Guck
16:30 |
BP 11.42 |
X-ray studies of photo-induced structural changes in lipid membranes — •Svenja Hövelmann, Karin Hansen, Jonas Warias, Jule Kuhn, Rajendra Giri, Andrea Sartori, Philipp Jordt, Chen Shen, Franziska Reise, Olaf Magnussen, Thisbe Lindhorst, and Bridget Murphy