wissenschaftliches Programm
BP 16: Single Molecule Biophysics II
Dienstag, 23. März 2021, 11:00–13:30, BPa
11:00 |
BP 16.1 |
Comparison of continuous and discrete Markov models of biomolecular dynamics — •Benjamin Lickert and Gerhard Stock
11:20 |
BP 16.2 |
Magnetic Tweezers Protein Force Spectroscopy: Applications to Von Willebrand Factor and SARS-CoV-2 Cell Adhesion — •Jan Lipfert, Magnus Bauer, Steffen Sedlak, Achim Löf, Tobias Obser, Maria Brehm, Martin Benoit, Adina Hausch, and Sophia Gruber
11:40 |
BP 16.3 |
Watching an enzyme at work: Time-Resolved Serial Crystallography reveals water mediated allosteric regulation — •Henrike Müller-Werkmeister
12:00 |
BP 16.4 |
Hybrid Kinetic Monte Carlo / Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Bond Scissions in Proteins — •Benedikt Rennekamp and Frauke Gräter
12:20 |
BP 16.5 |
van der Waals Forces in Biomolecular Systems: from Solvation to Long-range Interaction Mechanisms — •Martin Stöhr and Alexandre Tkatchenko
12:40 |
BP 16.6 |
Q band mixing in chlorophyll a - spectral decomposition of Qx and Qy absorption bands — •Clark Zahn, Till Stensitzki, Angelica Zacarias, and Karsten Heyne
13:00 |
30 min. Meet the Speaker