wissenschaftliches Programm
BP 8: Bioimaging and Biospectroscopy
Montag, 22. März 2021, 14:00–16:30, BPb
14:00 |
BP 8.1 |
Near Infrared Fluorescence Imaging with Carbon nanotubes and Nanosheets — •Sebastian Kruss
14:20 |
BP 8.2 |
Motion-based segmentation for particle tracking: A fully-convolutional neuronal network that analyses movement — •Till Korten, Walter de Back, Christoph Robert Meinecke, Danny Reuter, and Stefan Diez
14:40 |
BP 8.3 |
Molecule counts in complex oligomers with single-molecule localization microscopy — Tim Niklas Baldering, •Jakob Tómas Bullerjahn, Gerhard Hummer, Mike Heilemann, and Sebastian Malkusch
15:00 |
BP 8.4 |
Dissection of Plasmodium falciparum developmental stages with multiple imaging methods — •Katharina Preißinger, Beáta Vértessy, István Készmárki, and Miklós Kellermayer
15:20 |
BP 8.5 |
Self-organization of endoplasmic reticulum exit sites — •Konstantin Speckner, Lorenz Stadler, and Matthias Weiss
15:40 |
BP 8.6 |
A multisensory interface for exploring nanomechanical tissue properties with human senses — •Robert Magerle, Paul Zech, Martin Dehnert, Alexandra Bendixen, and Andreas Otto
16:00 |
30 min. Meet the Speaker