wissenschaftliches Programm
BP 9: Systems Biology II
Montag, 22. März 2021, 14:00–16:30, BPc
14:00 |
BP 9.1 |
From individual to collective intermittent motion: from bacteria to sheep — •Fernando Peruani
14:30 |
BP 9.2 |
Specialisation and plasticity in a primitive social insect — Solenn Patalano, •Adolfo Alsina, Carlos Gregorio-Rodriguez, Martin Bachman, Stephanie Dreier, Irene Hernando-Herraez, Paulin Nana, Shankar Balasubramanian, Seirian Sumner, Wolf Reik, and Steffen Rulands
14:50 |
BP 9.3 |
Plasticity in vertex model of epithelial tissues — •Marko Popović, Valentin Druelle, Natalie Dye, Frank Julicher, and Matthieu Wyart
15:10 |
BP 9.4 |
Selection via phase separation — •Giacomo Bartolucci, Adriana Serrao, Philipp Schwintek, Alexandra Kühnlein, Yash Rana, Dieter Braun, Christof Mast, and Christoph A. Weber
15:30 |
BP 9.5 |
Towards an alphabet of random matrix models for large biological networks — •Philipp Fleig and Ilya Nemenman
15:50 |
40 min. Meet the Speaker