09:00 |
CPP 7.1 |
Optical fingerprints of Polynuclear Complexes in Lead-Halide Perovskite Precursor Solutions — •Ana M. Valencia, Oleksandra Shargaieva, Richard Schier, Eva Unger, and Caterina Cocchi
09:20 |
CPP 7.2 |
Solution-Processed Perovskite Solar Cells — Florian Mathies, Gopinath Paramasivam, Janardan Dagar, and •Eva Unger
09:40 |
CPP 7.3 |
In situ reflectometry and air flow control enables modeling of the drying process in blade coated hybrid perovskite solution films. — •Simon Ternes, Tobias Börnhorst, Jonas A. Schwenzer, Ihteaz M. Hossain, Uli Lemmer, Philip Scharfer, Wilhelm Schabel, Bryce S. Richards, and Ulrich W. Paetzold
10:00 |
CPP 7.4 |
Understanding the crystallization of solution processed, alloyed perovskites by multimodal characterization — •Shambhavi Pratap, Nobumichi Tamura, Zhenghao Yuan, Alastair MacDowell, Nicola Barchi, Jonathan Slack, Carolin Sutter-Fella, and Peter Müller-Buschbaum
10:20 |
40 min. meet the speakers - break
11:00 |
CPP 7.5 |
Ultrafast spectroscopy of charge and structural dynamics in hybrid perovskites — •Felix Deschler
11:40 |
CPP 7.6 |
Investigating MAPbI_{3} Thin Film Formation during Spin Coating by Simultaneous in Situ Absorption and Photoluminescence Spectroscopy — Mihirsinh Chauhan, Yu Zhon, Konstantin Schötz, Brijesh Tripathi, Anna Köhler, Sven Huettner, and •Fabian Panzer
12:00 |
CPP 7.7 |
Structural, optical and dielectric properties of Cs2AgBiBr6, a lead-free perovskite for photovoltaic applications — •Melina Armer, Maximilian Sirtl, Patrick Dörflinger, Julian Höcker, Thomas Bein, and Vladimir Dyakonov
12:20 |
CPP 7.8 |
The Efficiency Potential of Neat Perovskite Films — •Martin Stolterfoht
12:40 |
80 min. meet the speakers - break
14:00 |
CPP 7.9 |
Structural dynamics of halide perovskites via in-situ electron microscopy — •Chen Li
14:40 |
CPP 7.10 |
The tetragonal to orthorhombic crystal phase transition in MAPI studied by time-resolved photoluminescence microscopy — •Alexander Biewald, Nadja Giesbrecht, Richard Ciesielski, Thomas Bein, Pablo Docampo, and Achim Hartschuh
15:00 |
CPP 7.11 |
Characterization of Perovskite Precursor Solutions in order to achieve High-Performance Solar Cells — •Marion Flatken, Nga Phung, Robert Wendt, Armin Hoell, and Antonio Abate
15:20 |
CPP 7.12 |
Thermal decomposition dynamics of lead halide perovskite thin films — Thomas Burwig, Karl Heinze, Roland Scheer, and •Paul Pistor
15:40 |
50 min. meet the speakers - break