Mo, 09:00–16:30 |
CPPb |
DY 1: Wetting - organized by Stefan Karpitschka (Max Planck Institute for Dynamics and Self-Organization, Göttingen) (joint session CPP/DY) |
Mo, 09:00–10:00 |
DYa |
DY 2: Fluid Physics 1 - organized by Stephan Weiss and Michael Wilczek (Göttingen) |
Mo, 09:00–10:40 |
DYb |
DY 3: Statistical Physics 1 - organized by Barbara Drossel (Darmstadt), Sabine Klapp (Berlin) and Thomas Speck (Mainz) |
Mo, 09:00–09:30 |
DYc |
DY 4: Invited Talk: Yujie Wang (Shanghai) |
Mo, 09:00–11:00 |
BPb |
DY 5: Active Biological Matter I (joint session BP/CPP/DY) |
Mo, 09:30–10:30 |
DYc |
DY 6: Granular Physics 1 - organized by Matthias Sperl (Köln) |
Mo, 10:00–10:30 |
DYa |
DY 7: Invited Talk: Basile Gallet (Saclay) |
Mo, 11:00–13:00 |
DYa |
DY 8: Fluid Physics 2 - organized by Stephan Weiss and Michael Wilczek (Göttingen) |
Mo, 11:00–13:00 |
DYb |
DY 9: Statistical Physics 2 - organized by Barbara Drossel (Darmstadt), Sabine Klapp (Berlin) und Thomas Speck (Mainz) |
Mo, 11:00–13:00 |
DYc |
DY 10: Granular Physics 2 - organized by Matthias Sperl (Köln) |
Mo, 11:00–13:30 |
BPb |
DY 11: Active Biological Matter II (joint session BP/CPP/DY) |
Mo, 14:00–16:30 |
DYp |
DY 12: Posters DY - Fluid Physics, Active Matter, Complex Fluids, Soft Matter and Glasses (joint session DY/BP) |
Mo, 15:00–17:20 |
DYc |
DY 13: Granular Physics 3 - organized by Matthias Sperl (Köln) |
Mo, 16:00–18:00 |
DYa |
DY 14: Microfluidics and Droplets - organized by Uwe Thiele (Münster) |
Mo, 16:00–16:30 |
DYb |
DY 15: Invited Talk: Liesbeth Janssen (Eindhoven) |
Mo, 16:30–17:50 |
DYb |
DY 16: Statistical Physics 3 - organized by Barbara Drossel (Darmstadt), Sabine Klapp (Berlin) and Thomas Speck (Mainz) |
Di, 09:00–16:30 |
CPPb |
DY 17: Complex Fluids - organized by Christine M. Papadakis (Technical University of Munich, Garching) (joint session CPP/DY) |
Di, 09:00–09:30 |
DYa |
DY 18: Invited Talk: Andreas Zöttl (Vienna) |
Di, 09:00–10:40 |
DYb |
DY 19: Statistical Physics 4 - organized by Barbara Drossel (Darmstadt), Sabine Klapp (Berlin) and Thomas Speck (Mainz) |
Di, 09:00–10:00 |
DYc |
DY 20: Nonlinear Dynamics 1 - organized by Azam Gholami (Göttingen) |
Di, 09:30–10:30 |
DYa |
DY 21: Active Matter 1 - organized by Carsten Beta (Potsdam), Andreas Menzel (Magdeburg) and Holger Stark (Berlin) (joint session DY/BP/CPP) |
Di, 10:00–10:30 |
DYc |
DY 22: Invited Talk: Lucas Goehring (Nottingham) |
Di, 11:00–13:00 |
DYa |
DY 23: Active Matter 2 - organized by Carsten Beta (Potsdam), Andreas Menzel (Magdeburg) and Holger Stark (Berlin) (joint session DY/BP/CPP) |
Di, 11:00–13:00 |
DYb |
DY 24: Dynamics and Statistical Physics - Open Session |
Di, 11:00–13:00 |
DYc |
DY 25: Nonlinear Dynamics 2 - organized by Azam Gholami (Göttingen) |
Di, 11:00–12:40 |
SOEa |
DY 26: Data Analytics for Complex Dynamical Systems (joint SOE/DY Focus Session) (joint session SOE/DY) |
Di, 14:00–17:10 |
DYa |
DY 27: Fluid Physics 3 - organized by Stephan Weiss and Michael Wilczek (Göttingen) |
Di, 14:00–15:40 |
DYb |
DY 28: Statistical Physics 5 - organized by Barbara Drossel (Darmstadt), Sabine Klapp (Berlin) and Thomas Speck (Mainz) |
Di, 14:00–14:30 |
DYc |
DY 29: Invited Talk: Karen Daniels (Raleigh) |
Di, 14:30–16:30 |
DYc |
DY 30: Complex Fluids and Soft Matter 1 - organized by Uwe Thiele (Münster) (joint session DY/CPP) |
Di, 15:40–16:10 |
DYb |
DY 31: Invited Talk: Mehran Kardar (Boston) |
Di, 16:30–19:00 |
DYp |
DY 32: Posters DY - Statistical Physics, Brownian Motion and Nonlinear Dynamics |
Di, 17:45–18:30 |
BPb |
DY 33: Nationale Forschungsdateninfrastruktur (NDFI) (joint session BP/CPP/DY/SOE) |
Mi, 09:00–15:00 |
CPPb |
DY 34: Theorie and Simulation - organized by Jens-Uwe Sommer (Leibniz-Institut für Polymerforschung Dresden, Dresden) (joint session CPP/DY) |
Mi, 09:00–10:30 |
DYa |
DY 35: Complex Fluids and Soft Matter 2 - organized by Uwe Thiele (Münster) (joint session DY/CPP) |
Mi, 09:00–10:40 |
DYb |
DY 36: Active Matter 3 - organized by Carsten Beta (Potsdam), Andreas Menzel (Magdeburg) and Holger Stark (Berlin) (joint session DY/BP) |
Mi, 09:00–09:30 |
DYc |
DY 37: Invited Talk: Ludovic Berthier (Montpellier) |
Mi, 09:00–10:00 |
SOEa |
DY 38: Partial Synchronization in Networks (Focus Session joint with DY and BP) (joint session SOE/DY) |
Mi, 09:30–10:30 |
DYc |
DY 39: Glasses and Glass Transition 1 - organized by Andreas Heuer (Münster) (joint session DY/CPP) |
Mi, 11:00–13:00 |
DYa |
DY 40: Complex Fluids and Soft Matter 3 - organized by Uwe Thiele (Münster) (joint session DY/CPP) |
Mi, 11:00–13:00 |
DYb |
DY 41: Active Matter 4 - organized by Carsten Beta (Potsdam), Andreas Menzel (Magdeburg) and Holger Stark (Berlin) (joint session DY/BP) |
Mi, 11:00–13:00 |
DYc |
DY 42: Glasses and Glass Transition 2 - organized by Andreas Heuer (Münster) (joint session DY/CPP) |
Mi, 14:00–16:00 |
DYa |
DY 43: Pattern Formation - organized by Azam Gholami (Göttingen) |
Mi, 14:00–14:30 |
DYb |
DY 44: Invited Talk Sujit S. Datta (Princeton) |
Mi, 14:00–16:30 |
DYc |
DY 45: Brownian Motion and Anomalous Transport - organized by Ralf Metzler (Potsdam) |
Mi, 14:30–15:50 |
DYb |
DY 46: Active Matter 5 - organized by Carsten Beta (Potsdam), Andreas Menzel (Magdeburg) and Holger Stark (Berlin) (joint session DY/BP) |