wissenschaftliches Programm
DY 13: Granular Physics 3 - organized by Matthias Sperl (Köln)
Montag, 22. März 2021, 15:00–17:20, DYc
15:00 |
DY 13.1 |
Monitoring granular drag with non-invasive particle tracking techniques — •Kai Huang, Jinchen Zhao, Chen Lyu, Valentin Dichtl, and Simeon Voelkel
15:20 |
DY 13.2 |
Granular Rheology from First Principles — •Till Kranz, Olfa Lopez, Olivier Coquand, and Matthias Sperl
15:40 |
DY 13.3 |
Aeolian structure formation in a laboratory wind tunnel — •Merve Seckin, Philip Born, and Matthias Sperl
16:00 |
DY 13.4 |
Numerical investigation of the rheology of elongated particles — •Ellák Somfai, Dániel Nagy, Philippe Claudin, and Tamás Börzsönyi
16:20 |
DY 13.5 |
Migrating shear bands in shaken granular matter — Joelle Claussen, Stefan Gerth, Jonathan E. Kollmer, Thorsten Pöschel, Michael Salamon, •Matthias Schröter, Tara Shreve, and Norman Uhlmann
16:40 |
DY 13.6 |
The contribution has been withdrawn.
17:00 |
DY 13.7 |
Intermittent flow and transient congestions of soft low-friction spheres in silo discharge — •Jing Wang, Kirsten Harth, Ralf Stannarius, and Tamas Börzsönyi