wissenschaftliches Programm
DY 28: Statistical Physics 5 - organized by Barbara Drossel (Darmstadt), Sabine Klapp (Berlin) and Thomas Speck (Mainz)
Dienstag, 23. März 2021, 14:00–15:40, DYb
14:00 |
DY 28.1 |
Non-Reversible Monte Carlo Simulations of Long-Range Interacting Molecular Systems — •Philipp Höllmer, Liang Qin, Michael F. Faulkner, A. C. Maggs, and Werner Krauth
14:20 |
DY 28.2 |
What can kinetic Monte Carlo do for active Matter? — •Juliane U. Klamser, Olivier Dauchot, and Julien Tailleur
14:40 |
DY 28.3 |
General solution to the one-dimensional connectivity problem — •Fabian Coupette, Andreas Härtel, and Tanja Schilling
15:00 |
DY 28.4 |
Criticality in the mechanical regulation of cell adhesion — •Kristian Blom and Aljaz Godec
15:20 |
DY 28.5 |
Complex routes towards a fully-grown monolayer of "sticky" hard rods — •Miriam Klopotek, Hans Joachim Schöpe, and Martin Oettel