wissenschaftliches Programm
DY 34: Theorie and Simulation - organized by Jens-Uwe Sommer (Leibniz-Institut für Polymerforschung Dresden, Dresden) (joint session CPP/DY)
Mittwoch, 24. März 2021, 09:00–15:00, CPPb
09:00 |
DY 34.1 |
Data-driven methods in polymer physics: exploring the sequence space of copolymers — •Marco Werner
09:40 |
DY 34.2 |
Prediction of iSCFT chemical potentials via machine learning — •Lucia Milena Wesenberg, Ludwig Schneider, and Marcus Müller
10:00 |
DY 34.3 |
Machine Learning Inter-Atomic Potentials Generation Driven by Active Learning: A Case Study for Amorphous and Liquid Hafnium dioxide — •Anand Narayanan Krishnamoorthy, Ganesh Sivaraman, Matthias Baur, Christian Holm, Chris Benmore, Marius Stan, Gabor Csanyi, and Álvaro Vázquez--Mayagoitia
10:20 |
40 min. meet the speakers - break
11:00 |
DY 34.4 |
BoltzmaNN: Heuristic inverse design of pair potentials using neural networks — •Fabian Berressem, Mihir Khadilkar, and Arash Nikoubashman
11:20 |
DY 34.5 |
PolyEC - an event-chain framework — •Tobias A. Kampmann, David Müller, and Jan Kierfeld
11:40 |
DY 34.6 |
Structure formation in drying films and droplets — •Arash Nikoubashman, Michael Howard, Michael Kappl, and Hans-Jürgen Butt
12:20 |
DY 34.7 |
Structure of bottlebrush polymers end-grafted to a planar surface — •Jaroslaw Paturej, Paul Jungmann, Jens-Uwe Sommer, and Torsten Kreer
12:40 |
DY 34.8 |
Thermal conductivity of commodity plastics: From conventional to smart polymers — •Debashish Mukherji
13:00 |
60 min. meet the speakers - break
14:00 |
DY 34.9 |
Polymer Architectures by Chain Walking Catalysis - Theory, Simulations, and Experiments — •Ron Dockhorn, Laura Plüschke, Albena Lederer, Jan Merna, and Jens-Uwe Sommer
14:20 |
DY 34.10 |
Mechanics of shape-shifting droplets — •Ireth Garcia-Aguilar, Piermarco Fonda, Eli Sloutskin, and Luca Giomi
14:40 |
DY 34.11 |
Consistent representation of structural and dynamical properties from coarse-grained simulation models — •Joseph Rudzinski