wissenschaftliches Programm
SOE 1: COVID-19 pandemics through the lens of physics (org.: Fakhteh Ghanbarnejad and Philipp Hövel)
Montag, 22. März 2021, 09:00–13:00, SOEa
09:00 |
SOE 1.1 |
Mathematical modelling of COVID-19: dynamics and containment — •Yuliya Kyrychko
09:40 |
SOE 1.2 |
An all-Ireland SIRX Network Model for the Spreading of SARS-CoV-2 — •Rory Humphries, Mary Spillane, Kiernan Mulchrone, Sebastian Wieczorek, Michael O’Riordain, and Philipp Hövel
10:00 |
SOE 1.3 |
Scenario projections of the Covid-19 pandemic using a data-driven macroscopic model — •Martin Treiber
10:20 |
SOE 1.4 |
Analyzing protests against COVID-19 mitigation strategies on the German internet — •Andrzej Jarynowski, Alexander Semenov, and Vitaly Belik
10:40 |
20 min. break
11:00 |
SOE 1.5 |
data-driven modeling of COVID-19 pandemic — •Yamir Moreno
11:40 |
SOE 1.6 |
How to estimate the macroscopic epidemic dynamics with a random testing strategy — Yasaman Asgari, Sepideh Abdollahi, Aryana Haghjoo, Farnoush Farahpour, and •Fakhteh Ghanbarnejad
12:00 |
SOE 1.7 |
Discontinuous epidemic transition due to limited testing — Davide Scarselli, •Nazmi Burak Budanur, Marc Timme, and Björn Hof
12:20 |
SOE 1.8 |
A control theory approach to optimal pandemic mitigation — Prakhar Godara, Stephan Herminghaus, and •Knut Heidemann
12:40 |
SOE 1.9 |
Statistsiche Untersuchungen der Covid-Inzidenzzahlen des RKI — •Rainer Gottwald, Stefan Scheingraber und Uli Spreitzer