wissenschaftliches Programm
SOE 2: Networks and Social Dynamics
Montag, 22. März 2021, 14:00–16:00, SOEa
14:00 |
SOE 2.1 |
Degree irregularity and rank probability bias in network-meta analysis — •Annabel L Davies and Tobias Galla
14:20 |
SOE 2.2 |
Revealing network size from the dynamics of a single node? — •Georg Börner, Hauke Haehne, Jose Casadiego, and Marc Timme
14:40 |
SOE 2.3 |
Blind identification of stochastic block models from dynamical observations — •Michael Schaub
15:00 |
SOE 2.4 |
Detection and Analysis of Fake News on Twitter — Zahra Ghadiri, Sima Hashemi, Milad Ranjbar, •Fakhteh Ghanbarnejad, and Sadegh Raeisi
15:20 |
SOE 2.5 |
A physics of governance networks: critical transitions in contagion dynamics on multilayer adaptive networks with application to the sustainable use of renewable resources — •Jonathan Donges, Fabian Geier, Wolfram Barfuss, and Marc Wiedermann
15:40 |
SOE 2.6 |
Public goods games on networks: endogeneous reference groups — •Adrian Fessel, Martin Kocher, and Hans-Günther Döbereiner