14:00 |
AKBP 10.1 |
Computational Studies for the Future EEHG Upgrade at DELTA Short-pulse Facility — •Arjun Radha Krishnan, Benedikt Büsing, Arne Held, Shaukat Khan, Hubertus Kaiser, and Carsten Mai
14:15 |
AKBP 10.2 |
Status of the Short-Pulse Source at DELTA — •Hubertus Kaiser, Benedikt Büsing, Arne Held, Shaukat Khan, Daniel Krieg, Arjun Radha Krishnan, and Carsten Mai
14:30 |
AKBP 10.3 |
Current status of the electro-optical electron bunch measurement setup at the DELTA short-pulse source — •Ihsan Mohammad, Shaukat Khan, and Carsten Mai
14:45 |
AKBP 10.4 |
Progress of the development of a superconducting undulator as a THz source for FELs — •Julian Gethmann, Andreas Grau, David Saez de Jauregui, Nicole Glamann, Sara Casalbuoni, and Anke-Susanne Müller
15:00 |
AKBP 10.5 |
Status of the CompactLight Design Study — Regina Rochow, Gerardo D'Auria, and •Andrea Latina
15:15 |
AKBP 10.6 |
Numerical simulation of a superradiant THz source at the PITZ facility — •natthawut chaisueb, prach boonpornprasert, mikhail krasilnikov, xiangkun li, anusorn lueangaramwong, and sakhorn rimjaem
15:30 |
AKBP 10.7 |
HTS undulators: status of prototype coils for compact FELs — •Sebastian C. Richter, Daniel Schoerling, Axel Bernhard, Kantaphon Damminsek, Julian Gethmann, and Anke-Susanne Müller
15:45 |
AKBP 10.8 |
Operational experience and characterization of a superconducting transverse gradient undulator for compact laser wakefield accelerator-driven FELs — •Kantaphon Damminsek, Axel Bernhard, Julian Gethmann, Maisui Ning, Robert Rossmanith, Sebastian Richter, Yuancun Nie, Yimin Tong, and Anke-Susanne Müller
16:00 |
AKBP 10.9 |
Divergence Study of an Echo-Enabled Harmonic Generation Free-Electron Laser — •Fabian Pannek, Sven Ackermann, Enrico Allaria, Pardis Niknejadi, Georgia Paraskaki, Lucas Schaper, and Wolfgang Hillert