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AKBP: Arbeitskreis Beschleunigerphysik
AKBP 11: Diagnostics, Control and Instrumentation III
AKBP 11.5: Talk
Thursday, March 18, 2021, 17:30–17:45, AKBPa
A transmission ionization chamber for online monitoring of ion-bunch fluence and trajectory of laser-driven ions — •Lotta Flaig1, Jona Bortfeldt1,2, Jens Hartmann1, Thomas Rösch1, Martin Speicher1, Johannes Gebhard1, Leonard Doyle1, Luisa Tischendorf1, Marc Berndl1, Felix Balling1, Sonja Gerlach1, and Jörg Schreiber1 — 1Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Germany, Department of Medical Physics — 2European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN), Meyrin, Switzerland
Since laser-driven ion bunches have unique properties such as large particle numbers and a broad energy spectrum with comparably large shot-to-shot fluctuations, a fundamental requirement is the improvement of online-diagnostics. The Foil Electrode Ionization Chamber with Red Light Emission for Laser-Driven Ions (FIREFLI) is a minimal invasive transmission monitor aiming to detect fluctuations at 1 Hz laser repetition rate. The ionization charge produced by traversing ions can be measured by a gated integrator as a measure for the overall bunch charge. The entrance and exit windows as well as the electrodes of the ionization chamber consist of μm-thin aluminized foils that ensure a minimal material budget for transmitted ions. Simultaneously, locally produced scintillation light from the detector gas can be observed via a camera looking perpendicularly on the beam axis providing additionally a measure for the bunch trajectory inside FIREFLI. First experimental tests with laser-induced ionization as well as at a laser-driven ion beamline show promising results.