Dortmund 2021 – scientific programme
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AKBP: Arbeitskreis Beschleunigerphysik
AKBP 2: New Accelerator Concepts
AKBP 2.2: Talk
Tuesday, March 16, 2021, 14:15–14:30, AKBPa
The challenge and prospect of a plasma lens for the capture section of e+ sources in modern accelerator designs — •Manuel Formela1, Gudrid Moortgat-Pick1, Klaus Floettmann2, and Niclas Hamann1 — 1Universität Hamburg — 2DESY
The ILC is an ambitious international collaboration with its positron source especially being at the forefront of pushing technological boundaries. Part of this enterprise has to be the optical matching device responsible for catching positrons exiting a target and transforming them from a highly divergent beam with a small effective cross-section to a wide, parallel beam to be appropriate for the succeeding accelerator section. This problem has been approached by different types of sophisticated coils like the quarter wave transformer and flux concentrator for many years now. Today considerations exist to utilize a completely new principle based on an electric current passing a plasma. This so called plasma lens creates a magnetic field, which is potentially especially qualified for the usage as an optical matching device due to its pronounced azimuthal component in contrast to the radial component of conventional devices.