T 20: DAQ, trigger and electronics I
Monday, March 15, 2021, 16:00–18:15, Tt
16:00 |
T 20.1 |
Prototyping Serial Powering with RD53A — •Florian Hinterkeuser, Klaus Desch, Matthias Hamer, Fabian Hügging, Hans Krüger, and Charlotte Perry
16:15 |
T 20.2 |
Entwicklung automatischer Qualitätstests für den RD51 VMM3a Hybrid — •Finn Jaekel, Michael Lupberger, Patrick Schwäbig und Jochen Kaminski
16:30 |
T 20.3 |
Firmware development for the Scalable Readout System (SRS) with VMM3a — •Patrick Schwäbig, Finn Jaekel, Jochen Kaminski, and Michael Lupberger
16:45 |
T 20.4 |
Timing Studies of KLauS6: A Low Power ASIC for Silicon Photomultiplier Charge Readout with Precise Timing — •Erik Warttmann and Konrad Briggl for the CALICE-D collaboration
17:00 |
T 20.5 |
Towards a Level 1 Single Track Z Trigger in the Belle II Experiment — •Felix Meggendorfer, Steffen Baehr, Christian Kiesling, Sebastian Skambraks, and Kai Lukas Unger for the Belle II collaboration
17:15 |
T 20.6 |
Modular and scalable Timepix3 readout system — Klaus Desch, •Markus Gruber, Thomasz Hemperek, Jochen Kaminski, Leonie Richarz, and Tobias Schiffer
17:30 |
T 20.7 |
Software trigger optimization for the OSIRIS pre-detector of JUNO — •Runxuan Liu, Philipp Kampmann, Kai Loo, Livia Ludhova, Alexandre Göttel, Mariam Rifai, Giulio Settanta, and Cornelius Vollbrecht
17:45 |
T 20.8 |
Development towards an active Muon Veto System for the IAXO Experiment — •Shivani Shivani, Elisa Ruiz Chóliz, and Matthias Schott
18:00 |
T 20.9 |
Optimizations and Upgrades to the SuperCDMS SNOLAB L1 Trigger System — •Hanno Meyer zu Theenhausen, Lea Burmeister, Fatema Thasrawala, Matthew Wilson, Alexander Zaytsev, and Belina von Krosigk