Dortmund 2021 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
T 5: Higgs decay in fermions I
Montag, 15. März 2021, 16:00–17:45, Te
16:00 |
T 5.1 |
Evidence for Higgs boson decays to muons — Tobias Kramer, Peter Schleper, •Oliver Rieger, and Torben Lange
16:15 |
T 5.2 |
Measurement of the Higgs boson coupling to τ leptons using a multi-class neural network — •Frank Sauerburger, Daniele Zanzi, Karsten Köneke, and Christian Weiser
16:30 |
T 5.3 |
Measurements of Simplified Template Cross Sections in the H→ττ decay channel at the ATLAS experiment — •Fabian Becherer, David Hohn, Markus Schumacher, and Valerie Lang
16:45 |
T 5.4 |
The H→ττ couplings measurement as an example to validate fit models — •Michael Hübner, Philip Bechtle, Klaus Desch, and Christian Grefe
17:00 |
T 5.5 |
Optimization of neural networks considering systematic uncertainties — •Gessi Risto, Stefan Wunsch, Roger Wolf, and Guenter Quast
17:15 |
T 5.6 |
Search for resonant HH → 4τ production with the ATLAS detector — •Dominik Weiß, Henrik Junkerkalefeld, Christian Grefe, Philip Bechtle, and Klaus Desch
17:30 |
T 5.7 |
Search for lepton-flavour violating decays of the Higgs boson using the symmetry method for background estimation with the ATLAS experiment at √s=13 TeV — •Katharina Schleicher, Valerie Lang, and Markus Schumacher