Dortmund 2021 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
T 79: Top quark production III
Donnerstag, 18. März 2021, 16:00–18:15, Td
16:00 |
T 79.1 |
Studies of tt production with additional heavy flavour jets in p-p collision with the ATLAS detector — •Lucas Klein, Mahsana Haleem, and Raimund Ströhmer
16:15 |
T 79.2 |
Differential measurement of the tt+bb cross section in the lepton+jet channel at the CMS experiment — •Jan van der Linden, Ulrich Husemann, Emanuel Pfeffer, and Matthias Schröder
16:30 |
T 79.3 |
Assignment methods for b jets in tt+bb processes in the lepton+jets channel at the CMS experiment. — •Emanuel Pfeffer, Ulrich Husemann, and Jan van der Linden
16:45 |
T 79.4 |
Differential measurement of ttbar in association with a photon — •Beatriz Lopes, Alessia Saggio, and Abideh Jafari
17:00 |
T 79.5 |
Z boson reconstruction in ttZ final states with four charged leptons using deep neural networks at 13 TeV with the ATLAS detector — Steffen Korn, Arnulf Quadt, •Tomke Schröer, Elizaveta Shabalina, and Knut Zoch
17:15 |
T 79.6 |
Measurement of the ttZ production cross section in the dilepton channel with ATLAS — Otmar Biebel, •Florian Fischer, and Thomas McCarthy
17:30 |
T 79.7 |
Calibration of the prompt lepton veto in a cross-section measurement of top-quark pair production in association with a W boson — •Marcel Niemeyer, Arnulf Quadt, Elizaveta Shabalina, and Knut Zoch
17:45 |
T 79.8 |
Evidence for tttt production in same-sign dilepton and multilepton final states at the LHC with the ATLAS detector using the full Run-2 dataset — Vakhtang Ananiashvili, •Ö. Oğul Öncel, Niklas Werner Schwan, and Markus Cristinziani
18:00 |
T 79.9 |
Studies on the reconstruction of multiple top quarks in the tttt production in same-sign dilepton final states using Boosted Decision Trees with the ATLAS detector — Vakhtang Ananiashvili, Peter Johannes Falke, •Ö. Oğul Öncel, Niklas Werner Schwan, and Markus Cristinziani