Dortmund 2021 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
T 84: Associated Higgs production and Higgs quantum numbers II
Donnerstag, 18. März 2021, 16:00–18:15, Ti
16:00 |
T 84.1 |
Messung der HZZ-Tensor-Kopplung in pp → H → ZZ* → 4 ℓ - Zerfällen mit dem ATLAS-Detektor — •Verena Walbrecht, Sandra Kortner, Oliver Kortner und Hubert Kroha
16:15 |
T 84.2 |
Reconstruction of advanced neural network approaches for ttH and development towards tH event analysis — Nazim Huseynov, Lars Kolk, André Sopczak, Petr Urban, and •Cyrus Walther
16:30 |
T 84.3 |
Fake-Rate Determination for the ttH and ttW Production with a Signature of Two Same Electric Charge Light Leptons Associated with a Tau Using the ATLAS Detector at the LHC — Nello Bruscino, Arthur Chomont, Simonetta Gentile, Nazim Huseynov, Georgiy Ivannikov, Santu Mondal, and •André Sopczak
16:45 |
T 84.4 |
Measurement of the ttH production cross-section with H→ bb in the boosted topology with the ATLAS detector — •Eftychia Tzovara, Lucia Masetti, Doga Elitez, Asma Hadef, Andriani Panagi, and Alexander Basan
17:00 |
T 84.5 |
Measurement of the top-Higgs coupling in the H→ bb final state at the CMS experiment — •Philip Keicher, Ulrich Husemann, Matthias Schröder, Jan van der Linden, and Sebastian Wieland
17:15 |
T 84.6 |
Improvements of the MVA classifiers for the ttH(bb) analysis in the dilepton channel with full Run2 data in the CMS experiment — •Angela Giraldi
17:30 |
T 84.7 |
Improvements for POWHEG+Pythia8 tt+bb NLO Monte Carlo predictions — •Lars Ferencz and Judith Katzy
17:45 |
T 84.8 |
Associated production of two Higgs bosons with a top quark-antiquark pair in the CMS experiment — •Ellen Sarauer, Ulrich Husemann, and Philip Keicher
18:00 |
T 84.9 |
Analysis of the CP structure of the Higgs boson in ττ decays — Andrea Cardini, •Oleg Filatov, Elisabetta Gallo, Alexei Raspereza, and Merijn van de Klundert