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T: Fachverband Teilchenphysik
T 89: Pixel Detectors IV
T 89.4: Vortrag
Donnerstag, 18. März 2021, 16:45–17:00, Tn
The next ATLAS Hybrid Detector Readout Chip ITkPix - Performance and Quantitative Analysis — •Mark Standke, Michael Daas, Yannick Dieter, Tomasz Hemperek, Florian Hinterkeuser, Fabian Hügging, Hans Krüger, David-Leon Pohl, Lars Schall, Marco Vogt, Jochen Dingfelder, and Norbert Wermes — PI Bonn - Nussallee 12, 53115 Bonn
ITkPixV1.1 is the first working full-scale 65 nm hybrid pixel-detector read out prototype developed by the RD53 collaboration. Hybrid pixel detectors are micro electronic devices, which are soldered together at pixel level. The two separate entities are used for highly efficient and fast charge sensing (sensor), of the charge carriers from ionizing radiation, while the second chip is used to read out the deposited charge (read out chip). ITkPix consists of more than one billion transistors with high triplication ratio in order to cope with high particle and therefore radiation densities at the heart of ATLAS. The chips will be located as close as possible to the interaction point to optimize impact parameter resolution. ITkPix features a single low power, low noise analog front-end to ensure high readout speeds and low detection thresholds. A failure of such chips at the heart of ATLAS is assumed to be hard to correct. Therefore, thorough testing is necessary. For this purpose, Bonn has developed a fast and versatile simulation, testing and analysis environment, making small- and large-scale testing for ITkPix possible. This talk will give an overview over the testing environment, while summarizing the latest findings and performance of ATLAS's future inner tracker performance driver, ITkPix.